
I probably wouldn't talk to you either if you reported me for something like that. Less risk

okay, !!!modern!!! etiquette and grammar were invented by old white men in order to control and deny others.

Manners are something old white people invented to make us feel bad and keep the patriarchy going. See also: grammar

Now playing

drugs are good and if you do them people think that you're cool

can't imagine how shitty her life must've been for her to get to that point

holler we want prenup, we want prenup!

so how often do you lure small children into you basement? Twice, three times a week?

I mean I'm shocked that Adam duritz doesn't jack off into a sock every night

That Adam duritz guy must have a hell of a sense of humor with a face like that. Also Michelle Rodriguez is pretty hot. I would bang her like totally.

Yeah but his eyes are blue and amazing

I was hoping it was Fred. Fuck fred. Fuck that guy. I've never seen anything he's in but his face and persona are just so annoying

we need more male nurses, apparently

what about a liquor icee truck?

I mean yeah I might drink too much if my parents were tortured into insanity and then I was tortured too by the same people. And also I would probably drink myself into a stupor constantly if I was in hufflepuff

Yeahi already said this wasn't about you. You've already been with a woman

Yeah your boyfriend probably isn't part of the problem

Seems about right for alabama

it's okay if you watch it with your kids. Not so muh if you're some school shooting fedora masturbating to kiddy cartoons in your basement

I've been in a psych hospital before, several times. It sucks, probably not as much as jail, and also you can't leave until they let you. So in a way the distinction is immaterial as long as he's in a place where he's kept away from others and can't leave.

schoolboy as an alley cat