
Seconded. Cleavage is fine, but underboob, sideboob...it all looks terrible. This trend toward showing fractions of boob is one of those examples of fashion deciding it just NEEDS to change, no matter how dumb the end result. See also: the unfortunate return of the mullet.

I’ve always felt that Ben simply hates the paps. He was unrelentingly plagued by the paps during his alcoholism and failing marriage to Jen Garner. What we see in images of him is an absolute refusal to “smile” for the photographers: the exhausted visage of someone who simply feels harassed. I wouldn’t be surprised if

Ben looks like a normal East Coast guy in his 50s. Not everyone is all smiles all the time.

I’ve commented on Ben posts before and it bears repeating: he’s just from Boston. This is what our city vibe is like. It’s not unhappy, it’s just resting Boston face.

JLo’s a weird one. Her only vice seems to be always having a husband/fiancé and never being single. She seems as tightly wound and type A as he seems passive, which might actually work out for them in the long run. She clearly lives for her looks and maintaining appearances and having a very stage directed,

Likewise, but we also know this site has a tendency to intentionally and disingenuously misinterpret things people say, in order to get maximum hits and button-pushing, which is a thing I had hoped they would have stopped doing, with new ownership. 

Eh as someone else who is pretty picky about frosting, I’m perfectly fine with the less is more approach that naked cakes. A good frosting worth eating by the spoon full is a beautiful thing, but at least 70% of the time, the frosting I encounter on cakes is cloyingly sweet and not quite pleasant, so having just

Now playing

I have a feeling this is Schlossberg’s snark on what Congress, ie House Republicans, did, passing a law to allow whole milk in school. 

Frosting is cloying and ruins the flavors just by virtue of being SO FUCKING SWEET.

Oh please.  He blamed her for the end of their marriage and accused her of infidelity, and provided no proof for it.  Instead he flung that out there and then blamed her for his jealousy of her success as an actress.  He even admitted that he made zero effort in his marriage and had a drinking problem.  His biggest

It’s a fine balance, because the other side of the equation is why would you want a lot of frosting, especially those awful grocery store/Costco sheet cakes.

Sounds more like Jerry O’Connell trying to find ways to deflect from the fact that the fact that his wife cheated on her ex and it’s not just a rumor anymore. People cheat. Women too. It happens. And it was years ago.

Seems like it, but honestly I can never tell anymore.

Milk is like porn, then -- you know it when you see it?

You’d at least stay in the bedroom throughout an entire night like you promised, without deciding to abandon them to fall asleep in front of the television. Op's parents were the absolute worst. 

It truly irritates me that your parents refused to take you seriously (you and every other kid out there experiencing the same). I have three kids and I feel if they kept this up night after night I would try to do something to help them. But alas, we’re all only human. I have 3 kiddos and a full time job and if this

To claim that Jolie made a rare allusion to Pitt is to ignore every single interview she has given over the last 7 years. She literally alludes to it in every interview and to not mention him by name is too cute by half. We ALL know who she’s taking about.

That’s a pretty picture of Ms. Jolie on that magazine cover, but holy cow does that sound like a dumb interview. Jesus, how do journalists come up with these questions? Is that story framing considered sophisticated? It makes entertainers sound dull. I can’t imagine Ethel Merman or Rosalind Russell talking about “heali

Weirdly - If I had to intervene while my father was attacking my mother , I wouldn’t want to see him anymore either

I would imagine that seeing him physically attack her turned their kids against him, but ymmv, clearly.