
I love The Sweetest Thing. My and my BFF take great delight in doing the ‘look - it’s Jesus’ thing in church every Christmas Eve (the only time we go), and we have succeeded in making her kids turn around to look which cracked us up!

YES! I love these features but I always think this. They’re so hard to follow, especially on a small screen!

Is that Paul Zindel as in Pardon Me You’re Stepping On My Eyeball and The Undertaker’s Gone Bananas (among others)? Because I LOVED him as a teen and it’s so nice to hear his name again! I don’t think he was very widely read here in the UK because I’ve never met anyone who’s read him, I was just fortunate that

That’s how I read it too. I mean, that DID sound like a very satisfying thing to do!

To paraphrase Laurence Olivier (from one of my favourite anecdotes) - you’re an actor darling, ACT strangled!

Oh my god, it puts a whole new spin on that “Would you give a guy a foot massage?” conversation in Pulp Fiction now. I always thought it was quite an odd thing to focus on for so long - Marcellus Wallace throwing a guy through a window for giving Mia a foot massage of all things.

I don’t know about meat losing texture, but I hate the way all sauces become more runny during the cooking process. I had one and I never used it for that reason. I’m much happier with my cast aluminium casserole dish that can go straight from hob to oven!

You’ve made me feel slightly better about the current state of politics in my country! Although in general I do deapair.

You’ve just made me realise that this is kind of failing off though. Within my circle of friends anyway. The older kids used to get teased about boyfriend/girlfriend stuff (not as toddlers, but when they were little) but it doesn’t happen with the younger ones. And that’s only happened fairly recently (oldest is 18,

I was really baffled by this part too - aside from the whole Trump aspect of it, I just don’t think it’s Meryl Streep’s job to police the abusers of Hollywood and I’m surprised Jezebel apparently does.

My problem with people being sent to hell by their own guilty consciences is that not everybody feels guilt. At the very least, I think I’m right in thinking that psychopaths (or sociopaths, or both?!) don’t feel remorse? And last week Lucifer referred to Hitler being a screamer which implies he’s in hell (which of

I’m British and I’ve been saying the same thing since this all kicked off at the weekend! They’re *always* over-priced, and you’re lucky if 50% of the items are actually to your taste. They’re a nice idea on paper but I’ve yet to see one that I think is truly worth the money.

As a Brit he just sounds more like he’s playing it slightly camp (voice wise) to me.

I was toying with the idea of him either being related to Lucifer or being the Sinnerman, but I’m convinced he’s some kind of divine being now. I think the files being pilfered last week belonged to him and he knows exactly who all the players are.

You make some really good points but man I hope you’re wrong. Not Jed Bartlett, please! (The West Wing is very important to me so I really hope you’re wrong, but I obviously won’t condone it in the slightest if you’re proved correct.)

YES. That was the point I bowed out.

If someone really wanted a metaphor for the exploitation of earth they would put a male character through all that - people pay attention when it’s a man. It’s just business as usual for a woman.

Oh FFS, that’s exactly what they’ll say isn’t it? I’d rather have Ghost than the dragons.

I got my first ever electric blanket last winter and I have never felt that depth of love for a human male! Best purchase ever. I would take it over anything/anyone listed in the song.

Quite! Doesn’t one of the lines go “So you’ve got the brains but have you got the touch?” (It might be moves rather than brains actually. But there is a line about brains! I haven’t heard it for ages!)