Fred Smith

I agree that Disney is not going to kill it, but as far as a separate story, didn’t they kind of do that with Rogue One? I know it fits in the movie storyline, but it was on its own.

I just don’t think they can write a story with THESE characters and this specific story line that will fully appease people. I think it

That was one subtle bit in the Last Jedi I really liked - Rey sticking her hand out to feel the rain. You wonder why she seems so happy about it, until you remember that’s probably the first time she’s experienced it properly, living on a desert planet her whole life.

Crap, you’re right! I forgot that it was no coincidence that Poe is mostly associated with Leia. He is the princess in this one.

She is the Hero because the story needs one. And Kylo Ren basically chose for her by becoming the villain. This could have been interesting if her allegiance would have been in question. But that never really happened. It was always clear who would be on which side.

I’m very worried about the scale of self-referencing that this new trilogy practices, but I wouldn’t call Rey’s story the exact same one as Lukes. I think it’s even worse: she has no story. What she does is experiencing Star Wars like a fan would do who could write itself into the story. The whole new trilogy is built

If I had a Ferrari, and needed batteries, I would absolutely do this. While flipping everyone off.

I dunno.

The Last Jedi has issues, but the Force Awakens is tired and boring. It was a slog to re-watch after the glow of the first watch went away.

I think the problem is, they really just need to let these movies die, and have people keep their memories of them. Nobody is ever going to be able to live up to people’s

Luke just dies because, what, he’s tired of living?

And that’s one of the main reason why I did not like Last Jedi. Johnson was like, oh these guys were in TFA but I don’t like them so I’ll just kill them off for no rhyme or reason. The Last Jedi treated this part two of a series as its own movie, not part two of a three story arc. Plus the whole middle part that

He started as a punchline. How could you even watch him in TFA without laughing? He’s so ridiculously over the top, and he looks like he’s twelve. Impossible to take seriously.

And then deliberately crashing that Ferrari into a tree before you get there. Expectations subverted!

Which established characterization was contradicted though?

The moment Admiral Holdo turn the ship around and cut Snoke’s cruiser in two with a hyperdrive jump is where the movie jumped the shark. What, nobody thought about doing that in the first place? Dude, that could have saved a hell of a time and potentially winning the war if they get lucky enough to kill every First

The problem here is that we have borrowings of borrowings.

I think he was already a bit of a joke in the first one, going all Goebbels with his speech, but I like him. It’s nice to see the villain team having their own dynamic and banter. He is basically Starscream. Ridiculous, but you better watch your back when he is around.

The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.

Ackbar should have lived and been the one to stay behind and kamikaze the ship, saying something like “I’ve got you all trapped now”. OT legend and you kill him off-screen for a pointless misdirection twist? Laura Dern is a fine actress and all, but that whole mutiny subplot was ridiculous.

I’m not bothered by how their plan ended up being useless, people aren’t always going to make the right decisions, but it’s crazy to me how they completely wasted all of the work they put into that casino, it looks like all of the aliens are unique and some of them we see for just a few frames. There was also all the

She is the new boba fett after all.

I think Hans story was okay. Ford wanted solo to die, and he got a dramatic death. The only other option would be for him to die will on the falcon and they were not gonna destroy the best selling toy. Luke’s end, well that’s straight trash. Like comedic trash. I honestly think Rian Johnson hated Luke Skywalker as a