Fred Smith

(Spoilers ahead)

Piece of shit movie. All of the marketing is just as hollow and empty as the writing in TLJ.

I will wait for the next “episode” when Kylo chases Lone Star then turns around and shrieks:

If they try to redeem Kylo at this point, it’ll just be silly. He’s made his choice. The only plausible way that works is if he destroys things from the inside.

They were missing the Rocky training montage. That’s the problem.

Fucking THIS.

Wow, it’s like you and I saw the same movie. This movie was a mess, it’s no wonder the director for episode 9 said NOPE. where do you go with this mess now?

She is a descendant of the Guardians of the Whills, and she and her sister are (were) Force sensitive.

I saw somewhere (probably a still from an upcoming book) that Rose had a fighter pilot sister. Duh, of course her sister (Paige) had to die like a hero.

So, I’m guessing this is the best place to ask - I am not going to be able to see The Last Jedi until Monday, but glancing at the RT score I am a bit worried - sure, the critics love it, but only 53% of viewers? Wut? I’ve not read a full review because of spoilers, but I have seen words like character assassination

You’re way too negative. Thought it was really enjoyable.

I also don’t know why Luke had to die, other than Rian Johnson stealing plot points from Episode 9 for his movie. I had to explain to my kid that Luke’s holographic projection used up most of Force powers and he died as a result, but to expect his return as a Force Ghost in two years’ time. Now, let’s see how Johnson

can we get one that stops videos from autoplaying altogether? the movement of them while im trying to read articles actually makes me nauseous.

If only the movie, was as good as the paintings. Seriously, Germain should be put on leave, for his completely ridiculous TLJ review.

It took them a while, but Rey and Luke finally finished building the LEGO Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon.

There is still good in the franchise.”

I tried really hard to like E7, I really did. I watched it again earlier this week to see if 2 years distance would let me re-evaluate it again. And no, it just isn’t a good movie. I’m left with zero emotion or reaction while watching.

What I liked:

Did not likenthis film. Your bit about Luke brought about more emotion in me than the movie did