Fred Smith

The show would have been a great 3-hour movie. 12 episodes was way too long. 

No one was. 

You’re missing my point: the point of the film is asinine.

Do you really need a message from your dead sister-in-law to tell you to grab a bat and hit an alien that’s about to kill your nephew?

The Happening is hands down his best film.

Signs would be his best film if it weren’t for that absurd ending. 

Split is being characterized as a sequel to Unbreakable in the mediagasm for Glass. It is not.

The broad outlines here are identical to the Green Lantern. 

There’s a great editing joke in The Magic Christian where Sir Guy Grand extends a shot of a knife by a few seconds to the point where it becomes ominous. Then he’d pace around in the lobby afterward and ask people what the knife was supposed to symbolize.

Oh yeah, good example. Besides, what the fuck was that thing in that show? It was bizarre. 

I think everyone understands what it’s trying to be. The problem was that it focused too much on the monsters and gore to not deal more squarely with the threat they created. 

I’m sure it sounds contrarian to say that I’d rather watch Charlie Sheen’s Arrival than Villeneuve’s, but it’s true. There wasn’t a single moment in the latter film that wasn’t predictable. At least, the former had Sheen at his heaviest, with some solid paranoid thriller chills, and a sadly still relevant theme. Plus,

The Arrival has leaden nonsense. Blade Runner 2049 had very high potential in its first act. Extremely high.

Which one?

Villeneuve’s stock has gone down with every film he’s put out since Sicario, which remains his best. The thought of him putting his mitts on Dune is depressing because it means the narrative will be lost for another generation before someone tries it again. 

Bird Box was a good example of when not showing the monster backfires. The film tried to have it both ways, by being a psychological horror/character piece while also being a straight up horror film. The balance was off. There was too much attention paid to the monsters to not show them.


It’s still an awful movie. 

None of these shows reached their potential. Jessica Jones had some of the best moments, but even it was full of Netflix bloat. 

This dude should not be anyone’s hero.