Fred Smith

In general I hated the movie.

Huh. That was odd. The movie simultaneously did some really amazing things with these characters, but seemed to lack some needed self-control in a way that gave me Lucas-doing-the-Prequels vibe. I was truthfully a little let down and conflicted.

I hated Episode 7. Worst Star Wars movie by a wide margin. I loved Episode 8 - how much remains to be seen, once the Post Movie Glow wears off - but it only confirmed that JJ Abrams is a hack and that Episode Seven was a steaming pile of garbage.

In fact I’ve just had a thought.

Did anyone in your theater laugh when General Hux immediately put his blaster away when Kylo Ren woke/got up? I’m just curious because I was literally the only one who did - and it was a very big laugh, too.

Did everyone notice those Jedi books in the Millennium Falcon at the end?

I loved the film and I find the ending heart breaking to watch.

It’s pretty awful.

My favorite part was Spock’s surprise marriage to Gandalf. DID NOT SEE THAT COMING


Although the acting, visuals and sound were excellent, I had a lot of issues story wise. Such as:

Stuff I liked:

Completely misplaced in this film. In fact on my second viewing on the movie i kept on falling asleep during these scenes.

It’s too bad that Finn got killed off, especially dying to the likes of Darth Jar-Jar.

The crystal foxes are way better than the Porgs, right?

Casino planet looked awesome. Loved the chase scene as a standalone set piece. But it had fuck-all to do with anything else happening in the movie.

We finally get to see where the blue milk comes from. Disgusting!

If Holdo had told Poe her plan, the whole middle third of the movie would have been unnecessary. Did she just not tell him cause he’s a hothead pilot? Where they worried about leaks?

How did Rey get from Snoke’s ship back onto the Falcon? Did we see that? One minute she was in explodo-world and the next she’s havin’ fun with porgs.

How did people feel about the casino planet? I found it a bit misplaced myself. For me it took the momentum out of the story.