Fred Smith

When Bob had the pink eye a few Games back, they kept making a big fucking deal about “hosting prime time”. I think Meredith Vieria subbed for him one night and they were like, “How does it feel to be the first woman to host prime time at the Olympics?” like this was a VERY SPECIAL THING.

This may be the best 1-2 punch in the history of the show.

This is a digital game right, not an actual table?

I loved how Goodell tried to do the side shake while saying, “That was awesome...” He thought he’d be able to just mouth some b.s. to Brady and get out of there, but Brady refused to let go. Brady drew Goodell close and made him squirm.

I don’t know about you, but I watch a lot of basketball in October, November, December, January, and February. These are months when most teams are happy to concede a win. Lebron took like three weeks off last January to stay in shape for the Finals.

Huh? Have you ever watched the Warriors in the 4th quarter? No lead is safe.

Yeah, he just made it a million times worse by refusing to talk about it.

Brady is like any quarterback. If you pressure him, he’ll fold. The difference is that he doesn’t stay folded. How many times have we seen him look like a “jamoke” in the early going, only to figure out the defense, gas them, and pull out a win?

Curt Schilling was a fucking hero until he started acting like his life was one non-stop audition for a drivetime talk radio slot. The difference here is that we know Brady is a reactionary moron as he’s cementing his GOAT status. It’s sad, but it doesn’t change a thing about his performance.

Nice post, but wide of the mark. It isn’t a gender issue for Donald. It’s a winning issue. He sees the dumper as the loser.

This is mostly true, in that his biggest contribution is shooting and the spacing that he opens up by being so great at it. But the things that feed into their scheme like those silly routes he runs through the defense and his exceptional ball handling skills are hard to separate out from his shooting.

Both teams were gassed as fuck. It was fun to watch the end of regulation and overtime because it was like the last rounds of a prize fight. Lot of dead legs out there.

The writing was fucking spot on, almost as flawless as her makeup and wardrobe (they even made sure her suit collar floated in the back):

Smart move. The finale was about as stupid as stupid can be.

That last episode was AWFUL!!! I watched it with a group of people, and about halfway through, someone finally just said, “This is tedious.” It was like a dam broke, and we all started bitching about how interminable the shenanigans were with his sister.

He was going to poison Joffrey.

The movie sucks, but there are plenty of white jazz musicians. Some of them are great.

Notice how Ivanka does the same thing. They’re all frightened to death of the guy. It’s bizarre.

The net got in the way of Kyrie Irving’s airball. #alternativesportsfacts

This makes me hate Steve Kerr a lot less.