Aren’t these drills just called “Shoot” drills now? If someone even makes eye contact with an officer, they are justified in thinking they might die, and lethal force is legal. So...pretty much: squeeze the trigger at anything that moves.
Aren’t these drills just called “Shoot” drills now? If someone even makes eye contact with an officer, they are justified in thinking they might die, and lethal force is legal. So...pretty much: squeeze the trigger at anything that moves.
No, they didn’t get their way, and they were all pissy about it. They made a big deal of pointing out that the US was entering “earlier than you’re used to seeing them”. NBC is the fucking worst . . .
The absolute low point, and the perfect summation of what’s wrong about NBC’s Olympic coverage, was Matt Lauer saying that the network was going to allow Micronesia to “have their moment” instead of cutting to a commercial, because the US was coming up next in the Parade of Nations.
Clint Eastwood is a good director, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. Unforgiven is a masterpiece. The Outlaw Josey Wales is another classic. A Perfect World is a personal favorite.
Wow, now that is one time where a soccer player writhing on the ground is legit!
No he’s not. He was a brilliant screen actor, for sure. One of our finest directors? No.
Clint’s right, though. Listen to what he’s saying. He’s saying Trump’s a dumbass for saying shit about the judge’s ethnicity. He’s also saying that calling that racism is a bit much.
Amen, brother. I feel bad dumping on child actors, but they had a heavy lift in this show and they were not up to the challenge, especially the one who played Lucas.
I’m With Him! Throwbacks can be cool, but a lot of them just remind us why the unis were redesigned in the first place. Those White Sox throwbacks are hideous.
My 5-year old daughter, and I are playing their video game together, and I’m really impressed with the world building. It’s a pretty cool universe.
I’d be surprised if it was anything but Skynyrd coming out of that truck.
They just got back from vacation, dude. Maybe that’s where they thought this up. You ever seen what Lebron does for kids from Akron? You should look it up. It’s impressive.
Maybe it’s cuz we only see him sitting down anymore, but I thought Shaq was waaaaaay fatter than that.
I was certain this was going to be someone giving him shit about choking in the Finals. To see it was over something as absolutely inane as bumping into a guy in a bar is kind of horrifying. Exactly how sensitive is Draymond’s hair-trigger temper?
MLB is most likely going to allow you to skip the four pitches in an intentional walk for the same reasons the NBA did this. It’s not fun to watch a guy throw four balls in a row. If a team is going to walk someone, just award him first base.
It’s not racist, man. It depends on who is saying it. Obama just said it.
Jesus, that’s terrific.
A good rule in general is to opt out of the Internet Personal Essay Economy, or essays in general, unless you’re in Montaigne terrain.