Ramsay should get eaten alive by his own dogs.
Ramsay should get eaten alive by his own dogs.
I thought there was just one Biggie.
Kudos for subverting this ridiculous convention. DA Pennebaker popularized it a half century ago, and social media has killed any power it once had.
As far as satire goes, this isn’t so bad. It would’ve worked if they hadn’t announced the “leak” themselves.
Do you blame Trump for the violence at his rallies?
Do you get the sense that anyone in that video is about to murder a cop?
I went through this with my mom in my 20s. It was my last, big wrenching fight to break free of her emotional gravity. It was totally worth it.
Is that advocating for the murdering of cops? It just seems like some really angry people yelling the kind of sophomoric phrase that angry people like to yell.
He looks angry enough to vote for Trump.
My Dream Ticket:
If it were legal to press criminal charges against sports franchises, the Rockets should be found guilty of 1st degree wasting of talent. There’s just no way a team that loaded should play that bad.
As soon as they announced this idiotic arrangement, I pictured some hipster in Brooklyn wearing a Cruz/Fiorina ‘16 t-shirt while he makes coffee. I guarantee there’s at least one out there right now.
Larry Wilmore did about as well as you could expect Larry Wilmore to do. His humor is hit or miss, with a lot of misses.
I really enjoy watching First Take during the Finals. It’s a great deep dive into the games. You have to get past all their shenanigans as hosts, but there’s no other national outlet that does such extensive debriefs after each game.
Most people probably have no idea that Prince kept putting out films after Purple Rain. Under the Cherry Moon is a kind of cult classic, but it’s not that widely known. Even less people saw Grafitti Bridge. And by the time he put out 3 Chains o’ Gold, no one really gave a shit anymore, although it includes some of his…
Beyonce also elevated herself to a Messiah for Black Women (ie, My Suffering Is Your Suffering). Meanwhile, she launches a clothing line with her daughter’s name on it, while she uses the grieving mothers of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown to advance her brand. That’s cynical as fuck.
Okay, does anyone know why ESPN has stopped putting up highlights? All the clips they post now have these stupid-assed public domain soundtracks: “Sad Music”, “Triumphant Music”, “Thunderous Climactic Music”. It’s stupid as fuck...
This is shtick at this point. Beyonce’s been singing about being cheated on for over a decade now. Remember “Ring the Alarm”? “Tell me how should I feel/When I know what I know/And my female intuition/Telling me you a dog?”
There’s a liner underneath all that yellow lace.