
Rose Mcgowan has been constantly accused of publicly defending a child rapist, Victor Salva. People have been asking her about it every day on Twitter for almost a year now, and she ignores them. When I brought it up on Jezebel I got so many hate messages I had to go off the grid for months. Because people think

Honestly Rose is an unstable presence as well. The movement simply needs better advocates than these two.

She and McGowan, (and idk, this may be unintentional) have grabbed a lot of the #metoo narrative, and in ways that’s been good for visibility, but probably detrimental in the long run.


It’s the new “I was such an outcast in high school.

They broke up? But who is hipstery enough to complete them?

Also I clicked through to see the full list and I think that’s him in her profile picture with her??

it's VERY that

It’s remarkably passive aggressive. Let’s release the baby names that we chose together-- now you cannot chose those baby names with any other mate. She’ll know and I’ll know and you’ll know that the name you loved was chosen with us first. 

I agree. Considering that he has admitted to being a heavy drinker and user (if not an outright alcoholic towards the end there) then I’m definitely not surprised that she doesn’t believe he’s “all better now.” I would do anything in my power to make damn sure that he is changed before allowing kids near him and it

At 14 I was dumped via a note passed in class, several people read it before it got to me and I was mortified. I cannot even imagine how she’s handling all this at such a young and vulnerable age. I hope has a very good therapist, she seems very sweet and smart and I really don’t want to be reading about her Greek

Seriously. I pity all kids these days. At least there was very little evidence of my own hilariously ridiculous adolescence. The worst I have to worry about is someone getting a hold of a 20-run zine that literally no one was interested in except the 10 people who contributed.

Yeesh, yes. I feel like people under 21, specifically famous ones should have the odd curated PR press release and be otherwise anonymous online. 

I miss the Obamas so much. Also, Jake Tapper remains trash and tweeted a trash take about how the Obamas shouldn’t be going to a concert because the Democratic party is in trouble. Luckily, the replies ripped into him.

I really desperately want these ignorant, tacky, vapid, generic fuckwads to go. away. Forever. Immediately. All of them. Fucking puke.

Kim, that’s literally how Justin Timberlake defends his music against allegations of cultural appropriation. "I'm 'inspired' by black music so much that I honor it by making lots of money off it."

Maybe it’s just that she’s managed to hang on by her claws in Hollywood despite mediocrity and little success for 15 years, but something about her makes me think she is a stone-cold hustler so the age difference doesn’t even bother me.

Yeah, the we’re using our art as therapy bit is funny. More like we’re gonna turn our marital problems into a cash cow ;)

Seriously Just because this is newfound success for her doesn’t mean she has to be so green and wet behind the ears about it.

I don’t think there exists a whiter couple on earth, and further more they are a non sexual as it gets. I literally feel like the existence of them as a couple could create a new singularity that goes actually nowhere.