
What's odd is they seem to have cracked it with some of their comic books. I've stopped reading Superhero stuff now, but when I did Hawkeye was great because it just existed on it's own within this universe.
The writer was confident enough to not mention anything happening in other books and just tell their own

Or The Matrix.

Yea, I made the same comparison.
This is the equivalent of a "filler episode" in the Marvel cinematic universe, just there to keep the franchise going and delver a few scenes for the over-arching narrative.

Yea I agree with your second point wholeheartedly (and your other points as well), it's not just the tone of the trailer but the delivery of the comedic lines.
They're so deadpan and sarcastic they come across like the jokes in the Nolan's Batman films, funny lines in the context of a series movie.
I hate to keep

Yea I get the sense they'd invested too much time into this film already and it was to important to the larger universe to ditch entirely so they're just rushing something out, no matter how color-by-numbers it is.
I'd like to be proved wrong but I'd also like to not, so Edgar Wright can feel smug watching them fail

You should watch the Daft Punk music video he directed, just solid film making no up-his-bum stylistic stuff (which I personally love).

"They'd have to get Wright's permission first"
Would they? Pretty sure his contract would stipulate they could use any materials he produced while working on the film before they fired him.

The A.V. Club
"We can have fun tomorrow."

Also, at least attempt to match the aspect ratio and quality of the footage, don't overlap two music tracks and for God's sake find a copy without the NBC watermark at the bottom (or add it to the Jurassic World footage for continiuty).
If you want to take it to the next level; color grade the Parks and Rec footage to

Yea I thought that too. It highlights he's completely new physique too, dude actually seems like an action star.

The aspect ratios don't even match and those clips look like they were ripped off youtube.
Come on Internet! I expect standards from my trailer mash-ups.

It's also worth noting that "prestige" shows often don't make money (directly), they're their for prestige, to get the network awards and recognition.
A network may not want a series to be considered "prestige" or "artsy" if they've already got something that ticks that box.

You think that wine fact is crazy, studies show people perceive food as tasting nicer if it's well presented (and look good on the box).
It applies to every industry, people perceive something as valuable if it's presented as valuable.
I'm not so sure about the reaction to Arrow changing if it moved to HBO, perhaps the

Yea, a lot of people have done things like that with Game of Thrones, adding laugh tracks doing 1990s "trash"-y version of the opening credits, so I thought it would be cool to do it the other way around (although probably a lot more work).
I think a show's presentation of itself definitely does affect it's reception,

No cookies, eating far too much Christmas cake this evening though.
I've also started staying up as late as possible so that I sleep through most of the next day, not watching TV until the evening doesn't work if you only getup at 1PM.

Well I guess taste is subjective but I can't think of more than around six bad episodes over the entire run of the show.
It was constantly funny but also hit almost all the dramatic beats perfectly, it had just the right mix of monster-of-week to over-arching story for it's length, with a few exception the cast were

"Either Dexter had to change to become more human, or he had to get caught and hung for his crimes."
The latter always seemed more interesting to me, although and don't think it had to do either.
It could have just been a portrait of this character, never redeeming him or having him get caught but then it could only

It was 6:30PM in the UK when I wrote that and I hadn't eaten a single meal at that point. Oh the joys of searching for work and feeling too guilty to eat.

I meant camera-work, should have been more specific. I doubt they could afford much CGI.
Most shows don't have the budget to shoot on 35mm film but the "prestige" drams put effort into making it look like film.
What I've seen of Call The Midwife looks like it was shot on a regular news camera, everything is in focus and

I've read a lot about Profit, didn't it share an executive producer with Dexter? I read there was a little cross-over Easter Egg in one of the characters names but as I haven't seen it I wouldn't know. I want to check it out but can't find it anywhere online in the UK.
My personal season ranking of Dexter: