
The AV Club
Jews. What about the Jews?

Yes, to quote Bojack Horseman (the show not the character) "I don't think I believe in deep down. I kind of think all you are is just the things that you do" and that really sums up my opinions on the matter.
Morals don't matter, who you are doesn't matter, all that matters is what you do.
I'd prefer someone has no

Everything I read about Moonlighting makes it sound absolutely crazy but all the clips I've seen seem really dry.
Is it actually worth getting into from the start or are there a few choice episodes worth checking out?

The second one had some great parts, that opening chase scene is one my favorite Spider-Man set pieces, there were handful of cool scenes and good performances and I personally liked the Electro score (I know that's a divisive opinion) but overall it added up to far less than the sum of it's parts.
I didn't hate it, I

One average movie, one interesting failure of a movie but with a better Spider-Man and a much better Peter Parker.

Yea, it's strange, I remember all the criticism about the films portrayal of him at the time but I actually liked the movie-Zuckerberg a lot more than real life-Zuckerberg. Not that I give the latter much thought.

Much like the word "indie". I had a long conversation with someone who claimed to hate "indie films", I listed several independent films that I loved and he agreed with me.
It turns out his definition of "indie" was "an independent film (or film that seems independent) that I don't like", and therefore his original

Except that bathos can be intentional.
Pathos is subtle and creates a natural and realistic response in the audience, bathos creates a jarring and weird response but that doesn't mean it's a "failed attempt" it could be intentional.
Or at least this is how a hipster screen-writing student described it to me.

Well, he goes beyond the lights to get on up with the judge and then says "this is where I leave you" as him dumps the body in the rosewater lake.

I find you're comment very on-the-nose, I mean come on, at least hide your disappoint at the word under several layers of subtext.

Surely they all have different word-a-day calenders if they all used "bathetic" on different days.

Yea, those are all good points, I was just happy such a 2D caricature was gone I wasn't really looking at the context.
I don't think Moffat has genuine disdain for that section of his fanbase but you could sure make a compelling point for that with his treatment of Osgood in this episode and all of Sherlock Holmes's

I tend to ramble too, it's hard to judge tone on the internet and I often assume a long comment is a rant when often it's not.
No offense taken.

"The fact that there's all these people wondering about it shows that not everybody followed along."

"It's only in hindsight that the elements which contribute to the motif seem obvious."
I'd agree with that to an extent, but that's not a bad thing, it seems like a good series to bring watch. The Cybermen ripping up the plane not long after the Doctor makes the decision not to use his powers reminds me of an episode

Long post, I'll remind you I started my post with "personally".
I was obviously only referring to myself not every viewer, for me personally it wasn't unnoticeable and not worth it.
I never claimed to speak for everyone or demand that the show cater to my personal whims, I was just making a personal comment in the

You have no idea. Anytime we have a conversation over dinner it doesn't end till three hours later and I'm still angry three hours after that.
He treats every argument like a competition, and he'll do anything to "win" even if it means constantly ducking and changing his point and I'm a sucker because I try and beat

I've seen plenty of evidence that many viewers won't share my acceptance of it.
As with any show that lasts this long people are going to like it for completely different reason and expect and accept totally different things from it.
The writers can't please everyone, right now I'm just happy they're pleasing me

Firstly, it's not a "plothole" if there's a justifiable explanation, I hate that people have started using that word incorrectly. It should only apply to direct contradictions in the text that are completely unexplainable within the logic of the series.
Secondly, my mind must work in a very weird way (I've been told it

I wasn't really trying, that's just the assumption I automatically came to while watching the episode without much thought.
I think there is a place for smart television that makes you think and doesn't spoon feed you ideas, something that does make you do the work to develop the ideas yourself but that's not Doctor