
Why did you get that impression? I didn't see any lines that implied that.
I was very confused because I thought the previous episode took place in the future, and then UNIT turned up this episode, I assumed that the "3 Words Institute" was a fake set-up by the Master/Mistress for the Doctor.
But it turns out all of

I hated that OCD line.
That's not how OCD works, it doesn't give you super-counting abilities.
Even if she was OCD enough to try and count all the cyber-men flying away, she wouldn't have had the time to count that many.

Yea, it seems like that was there not to upset any religions watching the show.
Technically in Doctor Who canon their could still be the Christian/insert-any-other-religion-here afterlife and Missy was just extending their "natural" life by downloading them onto the Time Lord harddrive.

I was glad when she died. I was annoyed when I saw she was coming back because she's barely a character. She only existed as a reference to the cosplay community, her personality was nothing more than stock nerd-girl #27.
She's the kind of character that's totally acceptable for an anniversary special but didn't need

Also if you think the character being female is as appropriate as him carrying and using a gun you should take a look at this.…
Turns out using a gun is totally in character for the Doctor, so I don't see how being female is that big of a change.

Would wouldn't that just be J-avid?
Also surely they're shipping the characters not the actors… Wait I don't care.

Well it's stoner logic, it's not exactly a sensible film.
It's anti-pragmatic but just because something is pragmatic doesn't make it "right". Cannibalism is often a programmatic solution but some people would rather die than resort to that.
Like I said, I don't think Joss Whedon was presenting the film as a moral

You're argument makes sense if you think of men and women as inherently different, which I don't.
The Doctor carrying a gun would be a bigger change to his character than having breasts.
Casting a female actress in the role of the Doctor would simply be a cosmetic change, no different to casting a non-white actor.

They were super creepy but I can't help feeling they would have been creepier if they didn't hype them up so much.

Yea it's amazing how the attitude towards continuity has done a complete 180 from Davies to Moffat.
The former tried to avoid as much continuity as possible, the latter seems to absolutely love it.

That would be cool, why she would have given that number to Clara doesn't really fit with anything, and certainly not the implication that someone set them up to meet.
But I really love that theory, I'd love for Sally to return but somehow I doubt Carey Mulligan would come back.

"Oh, the wee ball boy is having a go now, with his fucking tiny shorts on."

Am I suppose to know what any of those words mean? I'm slightly relieved I have no idea what "Simmant" and "Mpreg" are, it means the Internet hasn't warped my brain as much as I previously thought.

Yea, I'm slightly with the "Tumblr social justice" crowd, I understand the name change as a way of keeping the identity of the character a secret but I hope they don't stick with it.
And the crush on the Doctor is annoying but hopefully they will be played of as "all part of the evil master plan" too.

"The fact that some fans still stomp their feet and announce that it's impossible for a Time Lord/Lady to change sex is kind of hilarious, in a sad, sexist way."
Yes and now that's it's been established as canon it will be very easy to spot the sexism if people still argue the Doctor should "always" be male because

Yes but Thad Boyd raises a good point, Missy will want people to leave their bodies in a good enough state for the Cybermen to use, so leaving them connected to their body would be a good way of insuring they try and preserve it.

"I think there were specific reasons why series 3 felt compelled to kill off the Master as soon as they brought him back."
Care to speculate about what those were? I assumed there must be a reason too but I couldn't figure out what it was other than John Simm's being busy.
I guess RTD's style of storytelling tends to

Yea, I'd rather a twist I can guess than one which I didn't seem coming but makes absolutely no sense.
The best ones are like Fight Club, where you only start to put it together just before the reveal and realize looking back it makes perfect sense all along.
But that's a fine line and I'd rather a plot falls on the

Yea, I was thinking this. It would be a a great twist on their relationship if they finally traveled together.
The occasionally teases the Doctor trying to help the Master but it never goes through with it.

"What does Heaven need with police cars or ambulances?"
Technically, people there knew it was just the "next life", I assume they could die and commit crimes.