
So Tim Shaw’s race picks its leaders by teleporting them 500 galaxies away to a technologically primitive planet and having them kidnap a single unsuspecting human (not even a Schwarzenegger-type human), and the only rule is “no weapons?” And the guy STILL decides he has to cheat?

Many Doctors have had multiple companions. It’s really only the modern series that have had just one, and I think they need to break out of that a little. We remember individuals like Sara Jane Smith because, well, she was awesome, but she also had Harry along with her. Jo was often joined by Brigadier Alistair Gordon

We’ve all met the First Doctor, and we even sort of saw him as a little boy in the episode,“Listen”! ...Except that, bear with me... maybe not?


The first Doctor started with three - Susan, Ian and Barbara.

May have been rusty at picking out clothes, but...

There was no opening sequence here, but we did get the music at the end. Chris Chibnall had already said we’d be waiting ‘til episode 2 for the new opening.

As did the First Doctor, so I think it’s a poorly thought out criticism of the show.

Missy did also drop one or two references to “I’ve known the Doctor since he was a little girl” and so on, not that she’s exactly the most reliable source of information...

Yeah, I’m with you here—it’s been so long since we’ve had a bigger ensemble of companions in the TARDIS, so I’m looking forward to the show getting a chance to experiment with a different dynamic. (Interesting that they all knew each other before the Doctor dropped in, too.)

I wonder if the desire to set up multiple companions might be less about having 3 all the time than having options to switch out. It might slow down companion turnover and/or create a bench where if one leaves, the other two don’t all at once. They might be looking at continuity.

5 had three companions as well though. Personally I’m looking forward to the changed dynamic. I feel like the show really overdosed on the Doctor having close quasi-romantic relationships with the companions and the companions also becoming both special and superpowered. Hopefully Chibnall will resist the temptation

It might have seemed odd to see the TARDIS there, given its conspicuous absence in the rest of the story.

Also, he simply calls the video “Hey.” That’s not the way to build your community.

The central alien mystery isn’t all that engaging and at times a little too confusing thanks to some choppy editing

Is there an objective measure of quality?

...and played in the crummy Kick-Ass movies by Chloë Grace Moretz

Crummy movies? Yeah, the second one is a bloated mess. But, as with pretty much everything from Millar’s hack hands, the adaptation is better than the source material.

Calm down. It’s just a drawing.

The Kick-Ass movies are “crummy” now? 2, sure, but Kick-Ass 1 is/was generally considered not-crummy (75% on Rotten Tomatoes). But I guess not liking things is the new (old) signifier of being a cool guy so sure.