
A Jeep sales person:
“This new Bronco may look interesting to you, but the Wrangler have a V8. Someday. I promise”

Yeah that was funny.

“Bronco has nothing like 4xe”

Neither to do, technically.

Cool, but what advantages does this Wrangler have over, say, a train? Which I could also afford.

You know they are desperate when they are citing yet to be released models as advantages.

I think this is the largest quantity of vehicles that were lost/abandoned at sea due to a vessel sinking, however...

Someone at his level of viewership (860K subscribers) can expect to make $4-6K per million at 2.5 million views already that equates to $10-15K.

Praying on people’s lust of seeing other people suffer. Makes sense and probably quite lucrative given the youtube market.

He’ll get six dollars in ad revenue and an offer from some random guy to shill his shitty mobile game filled with microtransactions.

Youtubers make jack shit in terms of money. It all comes from sponsored content and donations via Patreon and Youtube Superchats.

... a couple million page views - he’ll pay off that car in ad revenue quickly. Cross posts to places like Jalopnik just encourage this more.

I see what you see there. I see black shorts as the car is flipping.   The only alternative explanation is that he drank a bottle or two of Pepto the day before.

He hired a stuntman to deliberately crash that car. He is known to have done a few fakes in the past, like pretending to have connected his aventador to some xbox controllers to play forza.
He’s wearing a red short for the whole thing, but the inside shot when the car crash, whoever is driving wears a black

I had a 2005 Passat TDI. The bigger nozzles in question (generally meant for high flow fueling of trucks) kinda just fit on top of the hole. If you put pressure on the hole it would seal, just don't expect the click to work. :O

I think you should be commended for taking care of the problem because you don’t want to upset your neighbors. A lot of people wouldn’t. A lot of people would put a sign in the front yard saying “Fuck you, neighbors!”

Let’s just keep it civil, even if we disagree on a few points, which will happen when we’re talking about something as subjective as aesthetics.

I definitely didn’t write this post to get anyone on my side. I’ve written for Jalopnik for five years, and am very aware of our audience’s views on this topic, as we write


“...maybe their violent maybe their loud, maybe they have substance abuse issues.”

Why is it a neighbors responsibility to get into a face to face altercation with a tenant of a do nothing landlord who has a few tons of rusting iron on their property?
You know who typically treats their front and side yards with enough disdain to let cars rot on them? Assholes, maybe their violent maybe their loud,

I don’t think anyone really has a problem with unregistered or broken cars. The problem is you have 7 unregistered, very visibly broken cars, covered in tattered tarps, tires thrown on top, being held up by jackstands, and without any real apparent progress being made on them.

I’m not going to talk much about how silly I find it that someone can (or would even want to) force a neighbor to make significant sacrifices solely because that someone doesn’t like the aesthetics of the neighbor’s yard.

Just bear in mind, fellow readers, that if David Tracy has a fire sale, the operative word is, “Fire” and not, “Sale”