
Yep, I gauge real economy by adding up close friends/family and calculating the employment to unemployment ratio (excluding retired or under 16). Currently we are at 88% unemployment ratio. During 2001 dot-com bust it was 50%, and 2008 crisis was 25%.

“Have we got the guy for you!” - United States of America

Actually, if you go back to read Tom’s previous reporting, it said that wholesale/auction pricing took the big hit. He also reported that retail pricing was holding fast at the time. Which means the divorce between pricing to the dealer and end prices to the consumer was not reflected in the market’s short-term

Wait 6 months. You thought the deals on new cars were good before? Wait till the 2nd wave of coronavirus creates a 2nd wave of unemployment. Unless a working vaccine is created, this virus is following the Spanish Flu trajectory very closely. And it was the 2nd wave that did the most damage. 

Neutral: How am I?
I think this thing is really starting to have a major impact on my mental well-being.
I live across the country from my parents. Both of whom are older with health issues. I will probably not be able to see them until this thing is done. I am glad I went to see them in January. I went because my

“Do people not realize they can walk away from a bad deal.”

I dunno, man.  I bet there is a good deal of common parts between it and my printer.

Sourcing parts for this Chinese golf cart will be an adventure.

I’m not sure it matters. Torch could add a regular 450cc motorcycle engine to this thing, drop the hammer, and still twist the frame into a pretzel. The ‘Busa would just be overkill.

In Munich, a BMW engineer awoke, in a cold sweat, realizing there was a market segment they had not yet tried to fill. 

Did you buy cargo insurance? This is important not just to protect you from theft or damage of your cargo, but also to ensure that you can recover your cargo if it arrives safely after a General Average event. When a ship incurs a loss but your cargo still arrives at the port of unloading - say, a fire happens at sea,

And you can sell the Leaf for $3000 when you’re done with it; this Changli will be worth $300.

In some retirement communities they’re practically essential: much cheaper to operate than a car, much more sociable than a car, they have their own pathways, perfect range for getting around, even (usually) the electric ones.

You can get a used Nissan Leaf for almost the same money.

Yes, a four-wheel electric tricycle. You know, like a biped with a third leg, or a five-legged quadrupedal dog...”

hehe...Duty Disbursement Fee

First, congrats on your adult Power Wheels! Second, there are conversion kits/posts for other power wheels to go from lead acid to Lithium battery packs. they enable you to go from 5 mph all the way to 8!

We recently had to purchase a new golf cart at work, as we have a small fleet of them for hauling computer equipment between buildings.

Hold on, hold on. Why is Dad charging you $35 on the AMASS Int’l invoice? What is this fee? Did their dad help load it? Did your dad yell at them about the costs and they charged you a Dealing-With-Dad fee? Are YOU a Dad and paying a fee for being a dad? Was it a fee for testing to see if you’re their dad? Are you