Well, I am a paying customer of Pandora, and don't tend to worry about that too much. I use my phone for other things though, so really we are talking about tacking that music streaming on top.
Well, I am a paying customer of Pandora, and don't tend to worry about that too much. I use my phone for other things though, so really we are talking about tacking that music streaming on top.
How do you know if you have this implemented? Do you just need to try to add someone as aim_name@aol.com, or is there a specific option to choose to add an AIM user?
Old Game Boy games came with little plastic cases (just slightly larger than a cartridge). I think they stopped providing them by the time the GBC came out, but I remember having a bunch stocked up.
I will stay on my mom's family plan for as long as I can, since it has unlimited data on AT&T. I recently started using Pandora as my regular driving music, and the idea of a data cap is pretty horrifying.
I keep seeing AirView mentioned, but it never seems to actually be in the iTunes store... I would really love this feature, has it been taken down? If it has, apparently no one noticed, because I find a lot of dead links to it on the internet.
I agree. No current digital solution allows you to add as much personality as a physical business card.
It could, but it will not replace business cards until you can be sure that every person you run into will have an NFC enabled phone. As long as we are all capable of interacting with little bits of paper, business cards have a wonderful universality.
VOTE: Google Chat
I have the Etymotic HF5 for noisy situations (they are great on the plane or subway, though they make me feel unsafe in traffic...) When I am home or in a quiet area I often go with my Grado SR60. That set has such amazing sound for its price. My set is getting pretty old now and I have heard good things about the…
Odd... It was supposed to be a link to an in-browser ssh client. Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for SSH, it is there. Not sure why a span tag got plugged into that link, I will try again...
I haven't tried it, but: [chrome.google.com]
Just because it is pulled in doesn't mean it is stored. I would not be surprised if a lot of that data gets analysed lightly by a computer, determined as unimportant, and automatically thrown out.
I've always loved this concept, but it never seems to pan out. I am all for it, if they can get good device support and keep the cost down. It very well could bring costs down, I am guessing Google wants to do for home automation what they did for smartphones: lower the barrier of entry to creating products by giving…
I really like the idea of the Nav app, too bad they don't have an iPhone version.
This doesn't sound like it would change much for the user, though I guess it would mean logging into Google Talk from an different client will also give you access to AIM users. I am all for more interconnectivity, so I think it sounds great.
Yes! I bike all over, it saves me money and it leaves me feeling good when I get where I am going. Anything within a few miles is well worth biking instead of driving.
It is more like eating tofu flavored with beef bullion. Yeah, you aren't eating meat, but you had to use meat to make it. I guess it comes down to asking if there are parts of blood that are ok and parts that are not ok. Which I think they do, but I don't know the details or the rationalization of that.
Oh yeah, I am not saying it is cow blood. I am just saying they probably left it vague because they were afraid of people seeing it as cow blood. My experience is that the general population is not fond of seeing medical products made from tissue as anything other than tissue (ever see bone implants made from…
I was kind of thinking that. It is especially poignant because this substitute is partially made with materials taken from cow plasma. Is it ok to take animal blood, but not human blood? I think the Jehovah's Witnesses abstain from blood transfusion because of a bible verse prohibiting the eating of blood, without…
I imagine it would be haemoglobin... Is there some other molecule that you can get from blood that would raise your level of haemoglobin? It sounds like they are being a bit vague so they don't get people saying "that isn't synthetic, its cow blood!"