I think Skype is pretty huge inside the US as well... I think they did a pretty good job of making it huge all over. I'm sure anyone who relies on access to users would find Skype to be a valuable acquisition.
I think Skype is pretty huge inside the US as well... I think they did a pretty good job of making it huge all over. I'm sure anyone who relies on access to users would find Skype to be a valuable acquisition.
Well, it may not make sense for all people, but I had this vision of the future of phones way back when I got my first bluetooth headset. It seemed to me that it would be ideal if I could check information on a watch or something, voice command the phone through my headset, and not need to actually deal with the phone…
It would not be entirely unbelievable that they would consider your reinstall route to be (1) install Snow Leopard (2) log into the App Store and install Lion. I am pretty sure my Macbook Pro came with a Leopard disc and a Snow Leopard disc (that would only install over Leopard). I made an image out of it and killed…
That is part of what I was saying I am not qualified to answer. There is an anti-neutron. It is still neutral, but it is made of anti-quarks. I am not totally familiar with sub-subatomic particles, but there are a number of different types of quarks that make up the hadrons (protons, neutrons, etc...). There are…
Yes, in a matter/anti-matter reaction, the complete mass is converted into energy (as per Einstein's famous equation: E=mc^2). I am not sure what you call that (a quantum reaction?). In a nuclear reaction, some matter is converted into energy, and some is put together or pulled apart (transmuted, as you say). In a…
I'm with you on that one. The day I started doing this was indeed a great day.
I know a lot of people replied, but I thought I would add a touch of clarification. You are not wrong about the law of conservation of mass, but it only applies to chemical reactions.
16 minutes?! That is like an eternity for this kind of thing. It may not be a warp core, but it is a pretty cool success.
I never noticed that! Just took a look at the full cast, and it is pretty intense. I wonder how much the producers used environmental guilt to get big names on board. I can't imagine it was just the normal process, this was before the days of voice acting being a serious thing for "real" actors to do.
I dunno. They released that GC disc with OoT where all the dungeons were changed. I liked that one, though they included the original game on the disc as well, so it was an optional thing. I think if it is done well, a remake with changes can be a good product. It allows them to bring in the nostalgia factor while…
So, I am not up on my meteorology: Is it *theoretically* possible to disrupt a tornado? Like, is there some point where you could change the air pressure to interfere with the whole "small-area high-wind" phenomenon?
That does seem to be remarkably true. I think it is because those are the same people that are compelled to believe anything they see on their computer screens. Therefore, despite believing the email telling them there is a virus out there, they also believe the email telling them that they can get free stuff by…
I agree. Not being a theoretical physicist, I can't do anything about it. It does mean I take most of these theoretical physics stories with a grain of salt.
I find I am forced to agree with you. I love the product, but I recall following its development sooo long ago and wishing for a device like the Kindle. How long did it take them to make that viable? From the start they were promising that this sort of thing was just a little ways out.
E Ink screen capable of video will be exciting! I suppose running video will ruin the battery life gains (though maybe not entirely, since there is no backlight). I would almost say I prefer that to color. I have decided that I am pretty happy with my Kindle 2, and have no plans to replace it until something…
Seriously, must be a pain to walk around with all that clipped to your jacket. At some point they should just velcro an iPad on there that will scroll a list of his achievements.
That was my thought. Doesn't look very secure. I am always up to new ways to carry things on bikes, however, so I encourage them to keep on trying.
I would say music and reading. That has changed a lot over the years, now it means an iPod with sound isolating earphones and a Kindle. Sometimes I ditch the iPod if I am traveling extra light (I have an iPhone that works just as well, though it holds less music and runs down my phone battery).
Any time you lock your bike, you want to have both wheels included. Their image is exactly how you should lock a bike, but I am not sure their lock will be able to do that on a variety of racks and poles.