Well, the way Sony talks, I don't think we should be expecting a PS4 anytime soon. I suppose the next xbox could turn up, there is basically zero speculation about that in either direction.
Well, the way Sony talks, I don't think we should be expecting a PS4 anytime soon. I suppose the next xbox could turn up, there is basically zero speculation about that in either direction.
I would imagine this is more aimed at business users, where data security can be a bit more complicated. I would also note that even they have the whole machine, it is sometimes easier to take out the drive and access it than to break into whatever security you have on your system.
As far as I can tell, that is the intended function of the device. I also think it is ridiculous, and puts the PlayBook off my list of potential tablets. If there were a BlackBerry phone I liked, I might consider it, but it is pretty handicapped without one.
I had one of those squeezy flashlights! Definitely annoying to use, plus you get that light that fades in and out as you squeeze it.
I agree, but it is better than dead batteries in the flashlight you keep in your car but rarely use.
I have not bothered with Instragram yet, but this is the kind of thing that might get me on board. I will definitely be giving it a try.
That is pretty much what I was going to say. A good UI is a part of function in my mind. If an application is not easy to use, how functional will it be for me?
Nope, I mean the Library of Congress ;) That is why I sort of made it a side note, it doesn't hold a lot of weight. I guess I had it a little wrong though, it was more to do with the legality of unlocking your phones.
An unlocked phone is tempting, but that price is pretty high. I certainly don't need an unlock enough to pay that. Definitely keep us updated on the success of this service (I think Gizmodo readers would love to know if the unlocked phones get relocked at some point).
Sure, but in the US there is no way to unlock the iPhone. We don't have any laws regarding such things (though I do recall the library of congress making a suggestion or something a while back).
I don't use Photoshop professionally, but I love the idea of having a separate touch interface for controls. The Photoshop interface has gotten a little crowded, and reducing it to a work space and offloading control functions would be very pleasant.
That completely works! I am very impressed and thankful for that one, it is the simplest method yet to read the Times for free (though I am sure they will notice soon...)
Carbon fiber can mean a lot of things, depending on the method of manufacture. It is entirely possible that over the normal life span of an iPad, the carbon fiber will prove sufficiently strong. I doubt, however, that anyone in the consumer electronics industry is putting the very best manufacturing techniques into…
Carbon fiber is good and light, but most likely not going to be as durable as aluminum. I am a bit torn, because I tend to like my electronics as light as possible, but I am also one of those people who's devices take a beating...
I used Dvorak on my laptop for a while in college, but I didn't change the keyboard. I just posted a picture of the Dvorak layout on my desk and after a while got used to it. I would say it was about the same, not particularly faster or slower once I got used to it. Did annoy the hell out of any friends who sat down…
TI lists 4 founders, only one of which is from MIT. Also, you never mentioned who we have to thank from MIT (Cecil Green) or the other 3 founders: Eugene McDermott (Columbia), J. Erik Jonsson (RPI) and Patrick Haggerty (Marquette).
The worst part: It has a DVD drive! The Wii homebrew scene has implemented DVD playing, the only thing missing from the stock Wii is DVD software. I don't know how much a DVD player license would cost, but I would pay a few dollars to download DVD playing software.
I liked Unity in the netbook edition of 10.10, but it was very slow. My understanding is that they have changed the back-end of it, and it should have better performance now. Can anyone confirm this?
Everything breaks eventually. Given the right conditions, anything will become unsafe.
Yeah, they had one packaged in a shotgun shell. The round in the video looks like almost the same thing, but larger. The big different seems to be that they only rate the shotgun shell for 100ft.