
I imagine they do ok, though probably not as well as studded tires. I have all the parts for some budget DIY studded tires sitting here, I need to get to work after this blizzard.

I mostly agree, but I can find reasons our biosphere might be valuable. If the invading group were looking for a planet to colonize, a fully formed ecosystem might be a nice perk. Even with advanced technology, building an ecosystem from scratch can't be easy.

@fwipo: Well, the fab@home project is not geared toward that, but the very similar RepRap project aims to provide a printer that can print all the parts to make a new printer. It should be fully capable of printing food in the same manner described in the article.

@Corbab: The simple answer for this one: as the wheels turn, they both rotate the compass. They act in opposite directions, however, so no net motion is achieved. As one wheel rotates on its own (as it does during turning) its effect on the compass is not undone by the other wheel.

Is it possible to pull the two perspectives apart? If you could view the images stereoscopically it might not be bad, but I don't foresee myself buying a 3D viewing device of any sort in the near future.

I pay for Pandora without ads. That is it, but I can imagine doing so for other services.

Even if a gift card says "I am only buying you a gift because of the obligation", I would rather have that than the piece of junk someone will get me as an obligatory gift.

@hawkeye18: Yeah, same thing with explosives (at least partly replaced by railguns). If the only dangerous thing on the boat is electricity, you can take precautions for failure much more specifically.

I think one of the other great benefits of this system is that it uses electricity:

Whenever people try for the whole "360 enhanced vision" goal, I never really get it. Can you present 360 degrees of vision in a way the human mind can actually adapt to? You still need to provide it through the eyes.

I think one of the best examples for me is MS Office. It has consistently been better for me than any of the free alternatives, no matter how much people swear otherwise.

If I had a nickel for every clone I run across...

@Don't Make Me Ang Lee. You wouldn't like me when I'm Ang Lee.: Nah, the one that chooses the chosen one will always take on a mentor role for the chosen one and then become corrupt or die horribly (sometimes both). At the very least you can expect some beatings and general poor treatment. Its not a great way to be.

@milrtime83: I still don't see how that would be platform dependent. If an FM transmitter can normally have a standard audio in and a BT audio module can normally have a standard audio out, putting the two in one device sounds pretty standard to me.

Um... Isn't streaming music to BT standard? I was not aware we needed an Android solution.

@Outrider: I was thinking that! everyone took cover and this guy is running around with the grenade launcher. Really did feel like a video game for a part of it...

My first take on the headline was something about a peripheral that helps you access Twitter...

@IceMetalPunk: I have more than 5 to 7 passwords to keep track of, and I am not in the mood to remember an arbitrary number for each one.

Wow... That sure looks like a pain. I suppose it is good password security though.

:( I am always trying to convince people to watch Fringe. It even works sometimes.