
Aloe vera has always been my go-to remedy for sunburn. I keep a big plant going year round (it is really easy to keep growing).

I'm not really sure why you need 150 acres, and I don't feel like reading the article to find out. Basic nuclear weapons are, well, pretty basic. Have no doubt, Kim Jong Il knows the basics.

@ghost25: I believe he is implying that al-Qaeda, while real, has reached mythical status. He would probably be better served by "legendary" but that can also be mis-interpreted.

@MJDeviant: Old electronics companies used to case everything in wood (see old radios and lab equipment). It turns out to be rather expensive though, and not particularly durable.

I can't stand walking into a bar or waiting room and seeing a beautiful HDTV set to stretch a standard definition broadcast.

$200! That means someone has finally pushed a good e-book reader into the range I considered acceptable.

Quite a few concept electric bikes in that list. I would say they could all be collapsed into one. I've seen many concept electric bikes, and the only ones that make production work like manual bikes with motors.

I've had a lot of fun with my Wii. Motion control certainly hasn't changed my life, but I have enjoyed some games that use it.

That sounds even more extreme than a kill switch... It basically nationalizes our IT companies in a time of emergency. I am not normally this person, but: This is a total affront to the capitalist system.

@Natael: Thanks for the heads up. I was not aware that 2010 had been released yet. Unfortunately, my personal computer is a Macbook at the moment, and it seems that 2010 for Mac has not been released (though as far as I can tell they do plan on releasing a version of 2010 for Mac).

I am a huge advocate of airships, but doesn't that just look like a huge target? 20,000 feet, the size of a football field, and it can't be very fast.

As a graduate student, I have yet to find a spreadsheet software as capable as Excel and I cannot do without the ability to use Endnote in Word (Though they were working on OpenOffice integration. I wonder if they ever finished that).

It looks pretty nice. I agree with many others that putting a motion plus setup inside would make it an instant buy. Does it look like the external motion plus module would be awkward on the smaller remote?

It is a fun video effect, and they did it pretty well. At the very least you can credit them for the hard work it must take to set that up properly without cuts.

I've never seen that NY Camaro, but I am pretty young. Do they use those currently? I think I would be pretty horrified to see one pull in behind me.

Well, it stands to reason (not to us, we know better, but to the uninformed) that the advance of technology means AT&T will eventually allow this on their network. Having a forward thinking technology based law is not so ridiculous.

I think the important thing to consider is that this could potentially completely change the economy. The current Afghani economy is dominated by the illegal poppy trade, and having a modern, desirous resource might make some significant gains.

I like my iPhone, and despite recently debating android (my contract is up soon) I have come to the conclusion that I will probably get an iPhone 4.

@certain: How sad are the 5% of couples in whom the woman reported feeling that the vocalizations help their partners self esteem, yet didn't report doing it?

It sounds really cool, but I am pretty sure it would thrash most consumer internet connections to stream two way HD video.