
I'm a guy I would vote for Elizabeth Warren maybe even donate to her campaign time and money. I can't stomach hillary though.

I, for one, welcome our future Lizard Lords.

What could possibly go wrong?

Now playing

I was pissed before she even started talking. The whole setting was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen, so I have couldn't even focus on the speech.

As an owner, I concur. Also, the toaster design does not support the item being toasted well, and I've lost a toaster strudel or two in there.

St. Elmo's fire isn't a ball lightning. It's an effect where during thunderstorms at sea high and pointy objects on a ship (sails during most of out seafaring history) start glowing, the correct term would be creating luminous plasma by coronal discharge. But that is irrelevant, ball lightning isn't St. Elmo's fire.

I don't read Chinese, so I am not sure. But the link has them vertically. You have them horizontal. Space saving?

i fully approve

Uuhh. You're doing it wrong.. Copy half to new layer, transform >invert vertical, nudge

Where does a Chalk Line go?

You would be surprised. When designing the interior of my condo a couple years ago (it was new construction building and we had raw space to design floodplain etc), we got a nice wake up from the ridiculousness of the ADA. In my PRIVATE home that I paid for with my hard earned money,I had to redesign my proposed

The force is strong with this one...