
On most porn tube sites, what isn’t nonconsensual, is pirated or underage (I know minors can’t consent, you know what I meant). Any site that allows public uploads is an ethical and legal morass (heh heh). I don’t see anyway of cleaning up the tube porn model that doesn’t destroy what they fundamentally are.

Sexual labels are meaningless, no term is going to accurately describe your sexuality completely at any given moment to another person. How could it, when your not even entirely sure what you are? We don’t need a thousand psudoscientific Greco-Latin labels to describe a thousand states of existence; we need to accept

I find somthing slightly immoral about fake meat. What? “I don’t want to hurt animals but their flesh and blood is just so fucking delicous!” Imagine if there was imitation human meat. You may not technically be a cannibal but I’m not leaving you alone with my children.
PS. Not a vegetarian.

TV talking heads love Hollywood references. The number of 40+ year old men referencing The Godfather. The British do the same only with Shakespeare.

Is it misogynist for a man to browbeat women for not wearing sensible shoes? I think it might fall under the topics of “what women wear” and/or “how women look” that are on the List of what men are not allowed to voice an honest opinion on. Or is different if you are explicitly criticizing the “villainous fashion

Sanity check: Ken Burns is wearing wig, right? He has had it for so long that I’m starting to doubt my eyes. Wig or terrible haircut?

Enabling a liar and a rapist does not empower women.

Yeah, who has a server with 73GB capacity HDDs?

Learning the rules of chess takes an afternoon, learning to play chess takes a lifetime.

It’s a power thing, if he could wear a coronation robe or a dictatorial militarty uniform he would. The business suit and coat exudes power in his mind.

I agree, but am also worried because his Gfuel flavor is actually quite good. I would be upset if Gfuel had to kill the flavor.

“forever home”

I live a in a rual area, there is a two lane highway that spans the county. The speed limit is 55mph, half of the year it is safe to drive 65 but ice, deer, rock slides, farm equipment, and drunken farmers can make it dangerous very quickly. Most people in the county drive 55-65, out-of-towners drive 75-80. The road

I like fondue, but in collage the real Fondue Neuchateloise was a little expensive with the imported Gruyere and Emmental. So a I made a cheap version that is still very delicious. Uses cheap Amican swiss cheese, the cheapest sauvignon blanc or pinot grigio you can find, a bit of parmigiano reggiano to balance out the

“Manaforfeited” uses more of his name.

I would avoid naming anything after a person until five years after they’re dead, they can’t do anything after the naming to tarnish their reputation, and by then whatever victims there were have already come forward.

Big dick energy counts to charisma.

Obviously what needs to happen is that people need to start rummer he loves the cock.