
My new ASUS laptop has been blue-screening at startup and then can’t load windows (8.1). Tries to load the auto-repair and says the hardrive is locked. BIOS/UEFI is fine and all the security lockouts are turned off. Even tried to load default settings. Did some research and this is apparent a bootmanager problem with

When did Kurt become the Joker?

How painful is it to have one of these inserted? I can’t get a sense of the scale compared to a cervical opening. For a younger teen, I would think there would be a good deal of discomfort. I mean it can’t be as bad as child birth but still, the first time you get your IUD has to be a memory that sticks with you.

Pharmacist are still medical field. I would also include physical therapist, chiropractors, opthomologist, dentist, and even veternarians.

Medical doctors are the only scientific profession that wears lab coats outside of the lab, as a status symbol. Lab coats are protective wear, nasty crap gets spilled on them. Walking around in a lab coats is like walking around still wearing the gloves you just used on a patients festering ulcer to open doors and

I had a cat that we picked up from the country as a kitten. He would try to bring prey into the house but we’d stop him and usualy the prey was still alive and would run/fly away. He had a den near the house and we would find a pile of dead animals there. Most were mice and small birds but then we found a large

It can’t be worse then the original sushi, funazushi.

Is this a typo or a foreign language?

...Just not to Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or Burma, or Thailand, or Singapor, or Malaysia...

How would having a chip that mimic the physical nature of the heart help test the biochemical properties of drugs? Is somthing else embedded in the silicone? Is there a phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins?

Now playing

It so weird to see Iwan Rhoen play Ash in Vicious.

Splinters, so many splinters.

Ectotherm or endotherm. Hot or cold blooded is really old terminology. Also, as with all things biological, it is not always a discrete classification.

NIH also publishes papers at PubMed central if the researcher got a grant from them. [NIH Agreement]

Why don’t they have one of those at gift shops? Fuck those penny crushers, give me a lazer-etched plate.

I don’t know if per capita per county is an informative statistic. If 10 people see a UFO in a county with a major city it’s like 0.0004% of the population. If 10 people see a UFO in one of the counties of Nevada thats not Clark County (where Las Vegas is), it could be like 10% of the population.

My dad has had this since the 70’s