
All they are doing is implanting mitochondria, really it is more of an organ transplant, or organelle transplant. Is a child that receives a bone marrow a three parent person?

Is the the only limiting factor the current of the charger? I'm sure I could make a 20 amp 5 volt DC source, or like a car battery with some resistors to bring down the voltage. What is the internal resistance of an iPhone battery?

Did you not study Islam? It comes after Christianity chronologically.

It's so small anything it could print would be a chocking hazard.

Could imagine if time travel was possible and she were to fall into 1600's? Perhaps in the Massachusetts area.

Usually you can barely see a lawyer's horns.

This is Quad-core so it's four times faster?


Portland passed a bill in the 70's after "Big Pink" was built in order to protect the view of Mt. Hood from the West Hills (Portland's wealthiest area). They also try to protect the view of the bridges but they got blocked out a long time ago. But really because of a few rich people with influence, housing and parking

Well what alternative did they have, change human behavior? We've been working at that for thousands of years and somethings still haven't sunk in. You can arrest the rapists, you can expel the rapists, but preventing the rape from happening in the first place is something no one has been able to figure out.

Holy fuck, what was she on?

"The internals of the TI-84 Plus CE have also been improved from the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. First, it has 6x more user-accessible RAM [126kb], which will make it possible to store bigger matrices, more lists, and longer TI-BASIC programs in RAM. Although Dr. Balyta could not specifically comment on the

Fun fact, the baculum (penis bone) of bears you see in articulated skeletons in zoos and museums are almost always plastic replicas because they are usually taken/stolen and sold in China for thousands of dollars as a, you guessed it, male sex enhancer.

Is Sling programed by the same people who made Plex? All the buttons and font look the same.

Now playing

I honestly can't tell if this is more or less appropriate, but it was the first thing I thought about.

Trudi Canavan's Black Magician series - City of Imardin