
Approved for security reasons or because of bureaucratic reasons? (remember our nuclear missile systems still uses 8.25" floppys)


Just working on his Sims character.

What else is there to say.

No no no no, I'm not judging him on the Wikileaks. It doesn't matter if you're Jesus himself, you can not put up a statue of yourself and not seem a little egocentric. Your family can, your followers can, but you can not. Even putting up a statue while they're alive seems weird.

Has there ever been anyone who erected a statue of themself that hasn't been an asshole? Isn't this like the classic example of arrogance?

In the related material they keep talking about "cold-storage" do they mean this is to be a backup drive that to keep in a box on the shelf or a media drive to load your blue-ray rips to have spinning in your media PC?

I'm terrible with organizing data. I have a music folder that is sort of organized by year but is also organized by genre and then I just dump stuff in it, Winamp will find a song if I need it. My movies folder is worse, I can never classify a movie's genre; is Guardians of the Galaxy a Comedy, Fantasy, Scifi, or


Jack McFarland: Okay first of all, Will should only be so lucky okay, so let's just clear that right up. Second of all, you don't even know me that well, why would you just assume that I was gay?

North Korea 2202.

Wouldn't the wood swell and abrade pretty quickly from regular cleaning and the blade snap off sideways?

Wouldn't want to roll out of bed.

I think the default repose to this sort of accusation is "I may not like that they are wasting the money but I would be a fool not to try and get some of it for myself."

More like "I won't leave."

When I used to work in a Library, there was an issue were the publishers wanted to limit the number of times a copy could be lent. Because eBooks can not be damaged the publishers believed they were losing out on replacement copies, so they wanted to arbitrarily set a limit, a self-destruct code, on the number of

What, is the back of the toilet not good enough for you?

I meant hydrating as in liquifying your diet, those potatoes and stuffing can form a log jam. The also act as laxatives, artificial sweeter especially.

My lottery goals were always: pay-off all debt (student mostly), build a future-proof energy efficient house with water saving features, buy a fuel efficient car, invest the rest and try to live on the interest.