
I know an older woman (late 70's) who still has dial-up, she she didn't want to pay more or something like that. She got a brand new computer and it didn't come with a modem so we had to get her a USB one. Imagine trying to update windows on 56k. We updated her computer from our house then set her up with it. She says

I like Winamp, I am still using Winamp. Sure lots of things will do what Winamp did but Winamp has a nicer, more simplified, interface. The alternatives seem incomplete, visually bulky, or missing a button. I don't want the playlist or library to take up too much screen space, but I also want to still see the library

I believe some of the laws allow you to grow your own so long as it's a limited number of plants; Due to the large retail cost will this encourage home growth? How hard is it to get fertile seeds? Will large corporate growers develop and produce, not the many "craft" strains, but a few all-purpose strains and thus

Is that smoke flammable?

Bring the Mail-in ballot to all states; it's no longer an experiment, it's the future (or internet voting if they could make an secure system).

Major internet backbone servers are in Seattle, they serve all the Northwest ISP's.

Great for 3D printing a Lego brick.

They're not that old pedobear, they're not that old.

Find me someone who can type 80 wpm on a flat touchscreen keyboard.

Or interrogators.

Now playing

Since AHS I've had this stuck in my head.

I imagine a word cloud with a giant "FUCK" in the middle of it.

Why "anti-social" hackers? Why not sociable hackers? Life-of-the-party hackers? Frat hackers? Why must hackers always be portrayed as pale awkward paranoid conspiracists. "Coming to the party? Me and the guys are going to hang out, drink margaritas, and DOS attack those A-holes from [insert collage, fraternity,

My main concern is quality and safety. China has a reputation for corruption and cutting corners. Buildings that were filled in with garbage rather than concrete, that high speed rail crash, the newly built apartment building that cleanly snapped from its foundation and fell over. An elevator that travels 95-stories

Is there a collection of ethereal music just for Vimeo videos? Where do you go if you have just recorded somewhat interesting video clips and now need esoteric background noise to make your work seem to have deeper contemplative meaning?

I also had guinea pigs, as well as a guinea pig obsession in elementary school. I wrote reports about them. It is a young adult American short hair. Gerbils and hamsters are at least half that size or less.

You have to watch the Muscle Shoals documentary, it's on Netflix. It is amazing, and Etta James is on it.