
Obviously, she should of made doughnuts.

Oh, that's a yeast infection waiting to happen. Might as well throw in some flour and make a biga.

I've always thought "flesh-tone" was problematic.

First thought: "that cake is moldier then she is"; because I'm a horrible person.

Yes, but you use food grade lye and you only need a few drops. It is also used to make olives less bitter also known as black olives.

Might there me an early boom, due to all the couples that haven't been allowed until now, that will level off later? You can't assume the revenue from the first years will continue five or ten years into the future. Although it is possible the we haven't hit the first peak yet as not all the states allow it yet, and

I feel more needs done to teach children: "DO NOT TAKE PICTURES OF YOUR JUNK!!" It's just assumed they know and I feel that if more parents and teachers made an effort to teach them the consequence of creating, possessing, and transmitting child pornography as well as point out that pictures on digital devices have a

Portland, OR. has the same thing. It was passed by rich people in the West Hills who didn't want their view of Mt. Hood and the bridges blocked from their million dollar homes that hang off a cliff. So downtown residential housing is expensive and there is no parking. We need to build up, not out, people!

So there is a direct relationship between financial security and evil? Interesting...

My Nokia fell out of my pocket in my aunt's gravel driveway, it spent at lest a day and a night out there, was rained on and driven over. When I found it the plastic parts had popped apart, I snapped them together again, wiped the mud out of the battery compartment and the damn thing still works, it's been working

There is always something weird about how the stitching and fastenings on doll clothes are not actually to scale because if they were they would be impossible to sew or use.


It's the Jewier part of Orange County. (Sorry it was either that or something about 18th century Prussian-Austrian nobility. Prince of Orange-somthing-burg)

Bacon, granted a lot of Jews don't keep kosher, but bacon.

Yes, Frankinweenie.

UK is being flooded with cheap American sperm.

That explains it.

They still haven't next to Timothy 1 2:8-15