
It might not just be servallence avoidence, these would also be popular with the EMF pollution crowd. I have an irrational hatred of EMF assholes. It's the fact that they try to misuse science to support their idiocy. 5 self-published reports, with a sample size of less then 30, does not a peer-reveiw paper make.

Obtuse, equilateral, and acute three shapes.

All homes will come with vintage 1970's porn actors know...fix pipes and stuff.

Sick prank or ironic social commentary on patriarchal attempts at controlling women's bodies?


I can't imagine what his headstone and coffin will look like.

Ugh, as the Japanese proverb goes: 出る杭は打たれる。(The stake that sticks up gets hammered down.)

That house is rockin'

Have you guys seen the very NSFW HBO John Oliver political ads? [Mediaite]

Yes, and the Africans were allowed to witness the greatness of auctioneering first hand.

My grandmother keeps sending me chain emails about Muslims, Islam, and creeping Sharia law. I answered the first one with a long three page reply where I point out all the factual errors in her email with citation, and give counter examples of Christians being horrible; but she keeps sending them to me and now I just

Wait, was there any physical evidence or is this all one person's accusation against another about an incident that had no witnesses?

The ant looked angrily, "fucking humans!"

So basically we just planted the seed to a whole different tree.

I thought it was Frozen - The Live Action Film.

Well the website is already how would this be any different?

Have they begone to use non-Latin characters yet? I thought awhile back ago they were going to relax the rules for addresses. So the web address for the Japanese Asahi newspaper could be www.朝日.jp or at least www.あさひ.jp

I feel the Game of Thrones' Dragon would eat pretty much anything. They're like goats or pigs that way. They would probably eat the Burger King.

So are they patenting the genetic code of a specific strain but then leaving the rights to use the patented strain open? Also, how unique does a strain have to be to be patentable. Is it possible to patent an ancestral strain so you don't just own a broccoli you own all broccoli?