
I know, it really is annoying. I don't know where people got the idea little changes to their life and daily routine could be called "hacks". [Lifehacker]

Why is iPhone storage still so limited? A 64 gig iPhone shouldn't be a ridiculous (expensive) concept.

I wonder what the mixed juice of all those citrus fruits would taste like...with rum.

It's a Seven Swell.

In Russia, Hell comes to you. (wow that reads more sinister then I thought it would)

But soft tissue damage isn't what kills you on low voltage, and 120v is relatively low. At 120v your worst fear is cardiac arrest or arrhythmia. More resistance=less amperage=less heat.

My bedroom use to be in the basement with a concrete floor. After a shower I touched my computer chassis and got a shock up my arm. Turns out my outlet wasn't grounded, I measured 57 volts on my multimeter. I was able to get a length of green wire and ground the outlet to the water main. Then one day I touched the

What? No giant koi?

Come on Oregon, this is getting embarrassing.

I'm looking for a puzzle solving game like Safecracker. I like putting pieces together and following clues. Any suggestions?

And at least one the boys will be gay.

Do you really want a switch that makes that big of an arc near an area of high oxygen concentration?

Old Testament?

No it's not up there, I was just trying to think of a Disney-like film in Russia and remembered Anastasia.

Anastasia was 20th Century Fox. There has to be a Russian classic that can be monetized.

I watch a ridiculous amount of these panel shows, there seems to be a list of performers that they call on rotation. British woman on the shows seem to be much funnier than Canadian or American woman they have on. There is a one Canadian woman that is just painful to hear her tell jokes. There are only like 2 black

You left out the aortic arch, a high pressure 180 turn that is prone to bursting. And the recurrent laryngeal nerve that has to go from the brain around the heart and back up to the larynx. In fish this is a vary short distance, in a giraffe it's fucking ridicules.

I didn't even know she was pregnant.