
Tents are where you store your goods, they're persistent so people tend to hunt them down. He put one down in a well traveled area and surprised would be looters with a bullet to the face. It's awesome, regardless of how exciting or dull a game may be.

Now playing

It's also interesting in just how many ways people can invent methods of fucking others over. Here's one that's worth a chuckle.

In game however, it's written in Cyrillic :p

And most would just say Electro. However, the video missed a joke about trying to read Russian Cyrillic as all of the road signs are written with it.

Same for me. This video pretty much encapsulates everything I love about Day Z. Of course, all of this is negated the moment you get a tent up and learn the basics of using power lines and the sun to find where you're heading. Also to avoid other players rather than asking them, "Hey, friendly?" First rule of being a

I can almost get it with the prancy vampires, but werewolves? Just doesn't mesh.

"You smell like Mint and Peaches." "You smell like Aqua Velva." Ok, cute. But after shave? Alcide doesn't... Oh, fuck it.

I gotta admit, if I was this cute, I would lead all of my articles with a picture of myself too. Looking forward to your content!

They don't really get much better than RDR.

Seems to be the case, and it sorta makes sense. Sure, you may have something really interesting to say and due to this it may be buried and never seen by any but the most devoted readers the site, it does help promote people to get involved with discussions that are already in progress. It wasn't uncommon before to

Aw, only if it were available for Firefox. Hopefully he'll get to work on that soon.

Given how they obviously intend for us to use the inbox as a method of replying and checking in on discussions, being able to see the entirety of the discussion should be a high priority.

You're confusing this with Dark Alliance.

I would complain about DLC, but... SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! Baldurs Gate! :3

Like with each new iteration, there are things I like and things I don't like. I remember complaining when we first got stars, but once you get one you sorta shut up about it. Maybe it's because I experienced Gawkers side-scroll system that was just horrible in every way but I don't mind this one so much. What I don't

I loved every single thing about that game. Actually, no. There was this ditch on the way to Mikes Bar that I ALWAYS hit at the wrong angle and brought me to an abrupt stop. Otherwise, loved it. Hopefully he'll end up working on something similar.

Assassin's Creed never struck me as one of those games you want have to own on the first day. The first one maybe, but after that? Hard to feel excited now. Anyhow, yet another reason why everyone hates Ubi, which is why this is no surprise to anyone.

There are people who will steal your shit. The point is to kill them first or avoid them altogether. The objective is to survive as long as possible.

I can't wait to see how silly as shit the fourth Saints Row is. After that last one, it's hard to see where they can go, but I'm sure they'll find some way of blowing our minds. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if we played as an actual fart.

"Raimi’s films were for the teenage boys who used to dress up in Spider-Man pyjamas; Webb’s is for girls whose other halves may soon be dressing up in Spider-Man pyjamas for their benefit."