
Hmm, I'd disagree and say that in this instance it's the direct opposite of what you say. For once, Lara isn't being overly sexualized and this whole idea that it's wrong that the player (regardless of gender) wants to protect Lara from harm is ridiculous.

So... We shouldn't feel bad for someone who's suffered an attempted rape? Wouldn't both men and woman playing the game want to protect her in that instance? Having a protagonist's safety taken out of your hands and assaulted is a valid means of engaging you emotionally and forming a bond with a character you often

Yes but an attempted rape is visceral and emotionally engaging, as has been the case in many movies and books. Games have rarely had that kind of impact and I'm curious to see if they could pull it off. To really make you care about the protagonist. However, I doubt this scene will make it in now. It's the curse of

After watching the trailer several times, you would be hard pressed to find that scene sexual in any way. I mean, you have to go in looking for it.

I love this, mostly because it's different. At first I was confused as to why they wouldn't just create a new protagonist for this role given how distant she is from the Lara we all know and love. So now we get to see what she has gone through to become that strong female protagonist (I'm guessing she gets implants at

Just two, Ender's Game and Catcher in the Rye.

What he meant: I'm creating a new account.

24GB... Sigh. Damn Suddenlink and their evil bandwidth cap. I bet I could totally burn out within 7 days too.

I went in with the mindset that I'd play it as a single player game. I grouped up for heroic missions from time to time, but never joined guilds or anything. Just played through two of the class story lines and felt I had got my money's worth out of it.

They make a good point about why they're not focused on first person. I can't even stand playing the single player Elder Scrolls games in first person. It just feels wrong, and since MMOs tend to pile up enemies on you it makes sense that would be unbearable.

I guess the idea is to have them licking and kissing on something covered in germs that men wrap their hands around many times in a day. So... If you're going to do this, DON'T tongue the keyhole, BAD HABIT!

Hello new wallpaper for at least a year.

Hmm, no. I wouldn't say avoiding this causes me to feel pain that I would enjoy as a result. Also I wouldn't say it's a matter of it being good or bad, but rather or not I'd like it. I'm perfectly capable of liking really shitty shit. I didn't want to try Farmville for example. I might have liked it, put a lot of

The "magic" bullets never really seemed all that magical. It took five or six of them unloading on one mech to bring it down.

I lump this with MLP as something I won't allow myself to experience on the off chance that I like it. Of course, I'm certain that I wouldn't just going on the fact that it seems popular simply due to how many people hate it, but why take that chance you know?

Wait, there are people who don't like Foreigner? Well, as long as they're too few to affect change.

I think the fact that they used a rocket launcher sorta made it all okay. And the fact that they continued to beat his ass and try and kill him. Now, if they had just been innocent nuns he ruthlessly beat and killed, then I can see the complaint being a valid one.

I think I have to hop aboard the sexy nuns with guns being cool wagon. I mean, they're sexy nuns with guns, how is that not cool?

Not sure how relevant it would be. He's said in his manifesto that he used MW2 as a training simulator. Not really any different from Seung-Hui Cho going to a shooting range, although you would think less effective. He nearly doubled Cho's score though.