That's probably my primary issue with the series. They put the story and characters at the forefront, but the story is generally a mess with cliche characters that seem to have no purpose aside from presenting you with some eye candy.
That's probably my primary issue with the series. They put the story and characters at the forefront, but the story is generally a mess with cliche characters that seem to have no purpose aside from presenting you with some eye candy.
I really wasn't interested to begin with, but the one person I know who would want this (my dad, only for any Mario games) will be sad to hear this. I know they're not going to include a cable that's long enough to reach his recliner.
I'd guess that the majority of us would rather be playing games than going outside to play with the kids/wife. Not to mention the fact that it's over 90 fucking degrees outside.
Very impressive trailer, except for the March 5, 2013 part. Too early for me to even start getting hyped over it. I do like the direction they've taken it though.
It also has native support for the Driving Force GT, which finally gave me another reason to use it over GT5.
I love these games, it's just such a damn shame that I suck so bad at them.
That picture has my mouth watering... That's a Reuben btw, with corned beef. The most delicious sandwich on Earth.
It's Windows. I think it's safe to say we're all going to end up using it. It's just a question as to rather or not we'll like the transition.
It definitely has more style, if not practicality than previous versions. Unfortunately I'm not really looking for style.
They're not going to implement player housing because it would be hard to do it in a way that fans expect. What do fans expect? Is it so hard to add in instanced housing?
I'd look into the Total War games, specifically Shogun 2. It's pretty accessible and offers a good bit more depth than Civ.
It's just bizarre how natural it come come to you. I've come to think of Tribes Ascend as Meth. Initially I had a lot of fun with it, I'd even laugh at some of my stupid deaths or how easy it was to cap a flag with little help. But after several days the fun wears off and it's much more emotional. You're switching…
I rarely ever have voice enabled during PvP matches for this very reason. I found myself raging quite often when playing APB with the area VOIP enabled. I disabled it when I realized I was just making them feel better about themselves more than anything else.
I wonder though, if you would need them if you're nearsighted.
This makes me very happy. There's a severe lack of good cyberpunk games floating around.
The part where it's said the car was made in Israel?
I think, at this point for Stannis, it was all or nothing for him. Living to fight another day probably not even crossing his mind.
Only if you own a smart phone. For most people, they're not. They're $6.50. []
FarCry 2 was an excellent game as a solo experience, but completely lacked a co-op mode which it almost felt designed for. It would have taken the game to a completely different level.
This was definitely my co-op GOTY. May have to buy this copy for a couple friends so I can playthrough with four rather than just two.