Yeah, no way I sell it back this time. Got about 60$ back last year from selling my other copy. That was still a 15$ loss. But yeah, digital is 80, and probably 95 in store.
Yeah, no way I sell it back this time. Got about 60$ back last year from selling my other copy. That was still a 15$ loss. But yeah, digital is 80, and probably 95 in store.
Well, I don’t think I’m going to sell it back again this time. And I saved almost $15 of taxes buying it on PSN instead of in store. Damn those CAD prices... ugh..
Bought it last night on PSN, but it took a long time to download. Not sure yet if I’ll just pick up from where I left off last year or start over.
I hate you Jason. I can’t afford to put money toward this game right now. I shouldn’t... I managed to resist after your article last week.. But my resolve.. it’s.. leaving me..
Console is Q1 2016, PC Q3 2016.. so that’s the other way around. Or is it 2015? The image above says 2016, but everything else seems to point to a few weeks delay, not 13 months delay.
Yeah, fell on that spectrum for Witcher 3. Tried 1 and 2, and really couldn’t get into the clunkiness. But I’m in love with 3.
To get notes, you have to shake them first. Then for them to auto-play. I have no sweet clue. One level I downloaded to check it out, had fire flowers on them, and them spawning when moving seemed to play the notes.
Starred and left a little comment.
This. Star Ocean Second Story was the best. I liked 1 better on SNES than PSP too. Though I only finished it on PSP. 3 and 4 I never could bring myself to finish.
I’ll try to remember playing it when I get home tonight. :) Did you try mine?
Yeah, hopefully they add checkpoints in a patch or dlc. Longer levels won’t suffer as much after that.
Very classical mario 3 airship level. Felt like a remix of the first airship at first. I liked it, but thought it was a bit too long. I rather level be short and concise, than long and if you die for a silly mistake, you have to start everything over. But different tastes I guess..
I’ll check it out when I get home in about 40 minutes. Check out mine, posted in here too. (56AF-0000-0031-122D if you’re lazy)
There is that system. But it’s overcrowded with auto-levels and amiibo displays.
I think my first level isn’t too bad. Hasn’t been played all that much, beaten only by a few, but I feel like there’s a lot of people that really don’t try much (or are just kids, as someone else mentioned).
And I should get out of this article before spending this money that I can’t really be spending right now.
Sold my copy after 2 or 3 weeks last year. Didn’t hate it, but couldn’t bother playing at that point.
Didn’t get to try Sword of Mana. So it wasn’t anywhere as good?
That’s Legend (which was actually a saga game)
Some of the saga games being the latter, I guess?