
But what I really want to see in this game is the ability to form a party cross-platform. A lot of my friends got the game on Steam. I don’t feel like paying $20 for a game I got free on PS4.

“who decided being down two goals in the first minute was a justifiable reason to leave the game.”

Didn’t the run from a year or two ago actually beat the game in some way or another? I guess maybe he had to use the sword at the end? Damn you imperfect memory..

Dammit Luke! Had completely forgot I wanted this to come out. This made the waiting bearable.

Yeah, that’s how I felt too. But to be fair, what they’re proposing as a prologue is about twice as long as Megaman Legends 1.

Been waiting for a MML3 for almost 15 years... I backed as soon as I heard about it.

I’m waiting on the last day to probably drop off. Kind of want to see the stretch goals before bailing out. But I’m bailing out.

Don’t let a few comments make you believe I have any sort of discipline regarding games. My backlog is stupid huge. I bought the 3 unreleased here yakuza games (already had 5, and getting it again this Fall) when I was in Tokyo, and I decided to get Witcher 3 instead of playing that.

I didn’t play all that many German P&C games, but Daedelic’s Deponia was awesome and underrated imo.

I don’t want to get into semantics. I agree with your definition of renaissance anyway. ;)

But that’s not what what Chris said. The renaissance of the genre already had begun before Telltale Walkind Dead was a thing.

I still think that’s drawing an arbitrary line at the wrong place.

Oh, had forgotten about the Strongbad ones! Thanks for the memory refresh! :P

Yeah, ToMI was nice too.

Well, for me, I had to put everything aside during April since I was gone in Japan for 3 weeks. Then I came back, finished Bloodborne over the following weeks, and by then the patch was out. :)

the episodic adventure-game renaissance that began with Telltale’s Walking Dead series.”

It’s better than it used to be. I don’t remember getting dizzy from it post-patch. I did remember on day one feeling like it was really awkward and touchy. (But then I went on to play FFXV and Bloodborne for a while).

I wouldn’t call it perfect though. But it’s much more playable post-patch.

The PS4 version got a pretty good patch for this a while ago. Pretty sure it included everything “added” to the PC version.

None. :(