
I bought an alarm that does just this (well display the time on the ceilingm not a fiery bowser). Never used it though. Still in its box.

Hollow fragment appealed to me in part because of the tower setting. Not enough games have you go up floor by floor up a tower. But I fear it wouldn’t be all that good in this game.

Was tempted by SAO, but then it looks slow and long to get through, and I’m still working through Witcher 3.

Guess I will have to put down Witcher 3 this week-end to finally go through Episode 3.

You’re not alone. I sadly only find boredom in Journey.

Headline led me to believe it was a 3-D printed gun that worked. Not a shell over a gun.

I really wish Oda would take a good break and freshen up. There’s a lot of One Piece’s soul that’s been lost to time. It hasn’t been as funny or touching as it was in a long time. I still enjoy reading it, but I don’t feel it’s been as good since the timeskip. It also feels like things peaked in quality around the end

You sure are pessimist.

I do agree it’s a shame that the woman that named the avengers has had barely any presence in the Marvel movies so far. She’s one of my favorite characters.

I’m not sure I’m getting your point.

Jan was rescued from the micro-verse a few years ago.

That’s honestly all beyond what I want to try. I find legit jolokia level already too hot. It’s funny after, and there’s certainly a high from the physical reaction to it. But it also feels like I’m permanently burning my body.

Forget it. They’re stuck in their mindsets. The more you’ll fight it, the more they’ll insist they’re right.

The last arcade spot we had over here was closed because drug dealers and the mob kept getting involved.

Oh my.. dang... the words.. they are missing (or burnt up by the idea of the heat..)

I never tried the Reaper, and not sure what I would do with one, sounds painful to digest.

Hey Telltale, when are you releasing new Sam & Max episodes?

One has a marketing focus, the other is mostly to take feedback in.

Club Nintendo asked for feedback, it didn’t publish what you wrote on there. It’s not really the same thing.

I’ve had those before. My source for habanero is pretty reliable. But Jolokia is either expensive shipping or almost an hour drive to get there.