They all sound disgusting to me too. You’re not alone here. :)
They all sound disgusting to me too. You’re not alone here. :)
Also, I actually was part of one of the two subbing groups that subbed Gintama when the anime first started. (The smaller one that quit after a few episodes because translator just couldn’t do it anymore)
Oh, I know. I can’t read beyond hiragana in Japanese, (so basically I can’t read). But in the anime, I can hear the puns and word play, etc, even those the subs are kind of missing out on.
Such a shame too that Oda can’t keep up the quality One Piece used to have. To me, if feels like things peaked at Water 7, was still great on that zombie island, but then everyone got split up and it hasn’t been the same since. I’m not holding my breath for the next arc, but maybe it’ll end up great. But Oda is…
I was going down the list and was like, “what, no Sorachi?”. I didn’t expect him being first. Good for him!
Seems like this could help you.…
A recommend star for your kid. :)
My profile picture is from Maid Dreamin in Akihabara. It was a neat experience, not one I feel needed repeated, though. Expensive for the quality of the food, but yeah, you pay the experience.
Agreed, we got one too when we were there in April, and it proved a life-saver a lot. Saves you a lot of time, loading up trajectories and stuff on google maps.
Kamiya is always relevant.
I’d really start from chapter 1 of the manga, the first few bits are very similar, but a lot ends up being skipped in the anime after the 3rd or 4th episodes. You’ll end up a bit lost as to some of the characters’ actions, etc.
I’m sorry, but when it means saving 30%, no need to put money down and being able to either resell it for more money if it sucks/broke or just get reimbursed if it’s still sealed.. I’ll keep pre-ordering.
Yeah, with you there. Pre-ordering during E3 in Canada is the only correct way to buy games outside of waiting for prices to drop.
Indeed it was.
I’d personnally rather see Kaine as Scarlet Spider. :P
To me, it was obvious from the start that it was the new(! indeed) DSi. Just like the GBA had the SP/micro and GB had the pocket version.
What we see on the screen is what you were seeing? Or were you seeing from the view of the horse’s eyes? If the former, wouldn’t it be more accurate to say you’re riding a horse?
Mandatory Michael scott god no.
So many posts laters, and no one has spelled Enfants correctly. :)
But not in the case of Age of Ultron. I bought the whole thing as it came out (That first issue’s print was nice though, special material for the cover).. and it was an horrible mess that didn’t make ANY sense. (it included wolverine killing himself to fix the timeline or something) And by that, I don’t mind suicide,…