
Thanks for the tips. I have one friend that has the game, but we don’t tend to play at the same time at the same games (we’re both huge games library jugglers, him even more than me). So I’ll have to go at it alone for this.

Digital download? What do you mean? Oh you mean to get it on release date? Well, I won’t pay $15-20 extra for a digital copy. (I usually get 33% off physical versions from E3 pre-orders)

I hate that Nintendo is releasing games on Friday. Didn’t get the game before yesterday even with Amazon Prime (though my friend without it still got it on Friday) and I missed out on all the global testfire sessions.

You and me, dude. You and me.

The plans are for something in 2017.

If you’re going to upload stuff, make sure you have an internet connection. It’s been 5 years though for me, maybe the convention center has public wi-fi now?

It’s probably the reason Kojima was kicked off the board of directors. He might have pushed too much against the move to mobile and resulting in a falling out. #speculation #we’llneverknow

Hmmm.. the way you’re talking about this, I’m not sure I’d enjoy the game enough for me to get it.

Yeah, I saw a few cats too, they were busy doing their own things though.

yup, the world is apparently tinier a place than I thought..

We went twice in April, first time was in evening and it got really dark really fast. We wanted to go up anyway, but when we realized it was going to take a good while, we decided to go back the next day.

Not me. Was really turned off by the first game’s gameplay.

I miss the kotaku days where the no thank you gifs were almost a daily thing.

Had pretty much the same impression when I was there last month.

PlayOnline is, but I was pretty sure the FFIX has been down for years? If it’s up, they might have brought it back?

Yeah, I still have mine as well. Worse part is the site has been down for years.

I just abandoned my custom campaign to start running Princes of the Apocalypse this week-end. Hopefully, we’ll be almost done with the Tyranny of Dragons campaign with our other group by the time this comes out.

Ys VI on Steam is missing from April 28. Putting everything on Steam would be overkill, but it’s Ys!

Or your average Pachinko place in Tokyo.

Obviously you root for the guy in the frog suit...