Not if the snow is all tapped-out.
Not if the snow is all tapped-out.
Didn’t do the line to try it, but I did go check out some people playing it at Hey! in Akihabara this week-end. The 3 vs 3 thing made it look quite chaotic and fun.
yup, asking for too much..…
Never knew about these until this week.
Visiting Japan right now.. so I’m not as familiar as you, but I find it quite interesting as well.
The NX is more likely to be handheld in some way, not an home console.. So I doubt it.
Never heard of it.. What's it about?
Probably because you're ahead of the curve. Give it a week, maybe less, when a lot of people will be more active in PVP. Most people are probably busy trying to go through the game, rather than trying to kill other hunters.
Yeah, I've already put Type-0 aside for when I'm done with Bloodborne. But this and Bloodborne on the same day, not sure which I'll touch first yet. I need to buy the season pass as well. That's really nice of them to offer a discount if you bought episode 1 already too. (You save $4 instead of $5 I think?)
On the gaming side, I'm way more interested in VR, even with the current drawbacks.
FFXII demo also had some obvious differences.. In the demo, I think it was the T-Rex that was hunting and eating Mandragoras? Anyway, there was this whole thing about monsters interacting with each other in ways that weren't there in the final game.
It is.. when I tried it, I was the first of my friends to go in.. and the guy giving the countdown restarted it after 2, just to mess with me.. Also, hard to tell if the feeling of knowing the floor will give in under your feet, or it actually happening is the most intense.
Calypso near Ottawa has a slide with a similar concept. No coffin though, and you drop standing, with the floor suddenly disappearing from under your feet.
Yeah, but look at Sakaguchi, Inafune and others that left the big jp publishers and how it turned out. They're/they've been doing good things, but nothing on the scale of what they were doing before. Most of them are falling into mobile games and I don't blame them, but it's a shame for those that rather like the…
Sorry double post.
That'll be great if that's the outcome of all this.
That's my impression as well. Announcing a new portable next year for release in 2017 would be for par with the usual portable cycle. (Release 2 years after improved version of previous platform)
Yup, just added that to my list of things to do in Tokyo next Month.
Nice, glad to know it's already up there. Leaving for Tokyo in less than a month now.
There's a monster list you can collect. Also the translation was redone to make things clearer.