
Objectively, if you put it next to similarly priced cars, you get better fit and finish and better materials, and worse fuel efficiency. You can decide whether that trade-off is worth it.

I think what I’m actually trying to say - is it’s fucking weird that they’re leaving out one of the only black superhero shoes from the conversation that includes literally all related shows.

Uhh. Luke Cage was far better than Jessica Jones after the first season. 

Christ being rich is so fucking cool. 

I gripe about this shit - but not because I care if Tesla raises prices, it’s because in the end - this is really bad for the American consumer, people are leveraging these price increases away - but it’ll come back to bite us. 

My biggest takeaway here is that it’s pretty criminal that 1. Anyone discusses Aaron Rogers more than Levar Burton. 2. The dude doesn’t have some kind of Nobel prize. 

Yeah. Except predicting the market is actually sort of hard. And not many people can just arbitrarily drop 10k on the market. If you’re talking crystal balls you would have been better off with bitcoin. I think Tesla was around 20 some dollars when BTC was 33 or 36.

Yep, you’re right, I think I was looking at 36 months. Nevertheless the thought still stands. 700ish, give or take, add another car, median price - median household income is in the 50s…

I’m not even sure what you mean by this. A five year loan on ~40k is 1100. If you put 10k down it’s still pretty close to 1000. Normally I wouldn’t spend more than 10% - 15% of my take home on a car.

Yeah. Imagine if you could predict future share prices of stocks. Feel free to let me know which ones are going to go up 10x in the next five years. 

Yeah that was the joke. It’s like you see the leverage sort of rising and you see the train headed toward the brick wall while most people are oblivious. 

Ah yes. With all of that disposable income in the lower quintiles

Not that simple. Consumers also respond to cheap leverage because they’re dumb. As long as banks keep distributing the cost over a longer and longer term - demand stays artificially inflated until there are no people willing to make that pact. 

Here’s an idea. Stockholders and executives could probably make less. 

A whole 5%? And the Tesla went up what - in the teens?

Economy is doing fine folks. As long as you’re rich. I wonder how much the market can support constant price increases. 

I wonder what kind of economy creates high demand for limited production, high-priced goods while everything else tanks? Good for Ferrari, but honestly we are all fucked.

To be fair they aren’t always wrong. Some asshole always wants to swing his dick with too much horsepower and too little sense. 

The reality is that car meetups are almost disruptive and even if they start small usually end up somewhat out of control. Cars by nature are big - car culture by nature is also big and it takes up space. I’m a big fan of meetups that sort of stay small and occur in random places. Only people that really make an

Boom. Real world owned.