
When was this ever hard? You loosen the bleeder screw and push with a small clamp, at WORST, and usually by hand. Boom. Why a specialized tool?

Your move Verizon.

Supply impacts prices, prices drive sales. As long as there’s still one in stock, there’s enough supply. The cost of acquisition (time, price, distance) are what’s cutting into the sale of that car.

I think it’s more a general comment on how mercenary dealerships in general are. And to be honest. They are mercenary. It’s their entire business model. Not everyone is always trying to get the most money they can in every exchange. Not all prices for anything is at a real equilibrium. That would require a

Well, it was sort of a joke. 3 tenths doesn’t really exists. But the scale is logarithmic, at the lower end - you’re already driving aggressively, and honestly if your criteria for a car is that it handle less well than anything that can be driven aggressively, maybe you’re not even in the discussion.

I think maybe you’ve got some rose colored glasses. I can’t remember when there were as many truly affordable sports cars as right now. In the early oughts, maybe the S2000 competed with the Miata, but let’s be real, the S2000 was a 30k car back when a 30k car meant something. Before that, there really wasn’t a ton

A car that handles well at 10/10ths handles well at 3/10ths. And handling is what makes a car engaging capable. The way people measure 0-60 has nothing to do with how you drive 0-60 so yeah. The stat is meaningless.

I’d agree that chasing ring times has had an impact on engagement at the very highest levels of the product lines. But no one owns a GT2. But chasing ring times also means that a car needs to be capable on straights- in turns - at stopping and acceleration. Whereas chasing 0-60 is totally uni dimensional.

The ring is a pretty nasty track with a lot of different type of driving situations - track conditions and tarmac types. It’s pretty hard to drive well. So while the ring gets sort of overused - it’s not really a terrible standard like 0-60 or top speeds. 

I drove one of these in college once. I was shocked at how slow and heavy it felt. 

I like it. But my main issue is that if I’m buying a utilitarian cheap truck. I need it to be utilitarian and not compromised. Trucks are for hauling things and for raw material. Almost no material realistically gets bought in 4 foot lengths. 6 foot works because you can have a little hanging out the back. I feel like

Ford should be glad the Mach E is saving their asses right now. Not being able to actually move Broncos is gonna suck for their quarter.

You can tell your wife that she’s categorically wrong on the purse thing. Beyond having a few friends that worked in that side of the fashion industry - I think her statement would be true, but only of the hiiiiighest end of the purse spectrum. Meaning the most expensive purses in the most expensive brands.

Where does the value come from for gold?

I bought my 99 4Runner for 5k with 140k miles, and sold it three years later with 190k miles for 8500 - I probably invested around 2k in maintenance and upgrades.

I wonder what will happen when social media fitness people realize that literally the only differentiator between the cheap stuff and expensive stuff is them - and they just start creating content for people using the cheap stuff - and charge much less than 40 bucks a month for it. 

Fair. I think though that people buy the Miata for an entirely different reason. It’s a FUN car, not a sports car. But the chassis is really well balanced and cheap. Shove a bigger engine in it and better suspension and it’s fast as hell. BRZ though is much closer to 30, and at that price point there are other

I’m not saying that the BRZ isn’t a good car. What I’m saying is that any time anyone says the car needs more horsepower to really stand out there’s a chorus of voices listing the reasons why not and why it’s totally OK. But I think the reality is that chassis could easily handle 50-100 more horses and matching

Beg to differ. Lol. No. You can get an SE trim for the same price as the Toyota. Mainly because VW will come down in price and Toyota won’t.

“I know you wanted that hamburger with beef in it but this is a vegan mushroom patty. Not many people get to go out to eat you should just be grateful for what you got”