
As much as Ford and Chevy would like to believe otherwise, for utilitarian cars they’re still plagued with quality issues you don’t see in Japanese cars. I don’t get it. It’s almost as if they were run by a mindless board that only wants to maximize profit for as long as they can while under-investing in R&D and

I think you’ll find plenty of people on the 4Runner forums asking about/griping about the age of the platform. But it’s also a different market. Body on frame is pretty much about solid reliability, which, is boring, and in turn, also has some security in lack of change.

I’m pretty pleased so far, it’s everything the 4Runner was, but better. And more expensive :)

4 months ago :). I ended up finding a 1999 - with center and rear lockers, black. 180k miles.

Lol. Maybe so. But since I paid 5500 4years and 40k miles ago, I felt pretty fine about it.

Not sure that’s true. I just sold my 3rd Gen 4Runner - Limited with a bunch of upgrades and a new suspension and barely 180k miles for 6500. In Portland. Bought a Cruiser.

Yep. Any other answer other than 4Runner is a dumb idea. Unless that answer is Land Cruiser. Harder to find in the budget though.

Porsche is the best recommendation. BMWs especially E9x M3s have some garbage reliability. 997s will run forever. 

Give me a break, your entire thread has been a cheap “gotcha”. Pot and kettle homey, get over yourself.

Hi internet tough guy. My favorite part about your last comment was where you had an imaginary argument with me in your head where I called you a troll.

Oh no! I speculated that Apple might do something that software companies do on occasion! And you’ve gotten really upset!

“I wouldn’t be surprised if...” is hardly an accusation. Please control yourself. 

The worst part of any Jalopnik article are people who like Ford or Chevy - and people that throw tantrums if anyone criticizes Apple.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple charged them a recurring license fee for having Apple Carplay in their infotainment systems. It’s part of that sweet sweet “services” revenue that Apple keeps trying to highlight to replace their declining hardware sales.

Not sure you know how to read charts. But I’ll let you figure it out.

Just because Ford has shitty sedans, doesn’t mean everyone else does. It’s hard to argue that some people aren’t making the switch, but sedan sales are still near 30% of all car sales. Ford just said sedans were dead because they were... for them. There’s a difference between being uncompetitive and an actual dying

If Mazda’s current effort is too ‘up-market’ as the OP was saying, then the Corolla, which is priced within a grand or so of the Mazda 3, is probably not going to pass muster. I think the prices he’s thinking of are more in the 10-15k range for an “ok” car.