
What did you hate about the SC? Everything I’ve heard says the engine revs very nicely due to short stroke. 

Wide angle lens. Look at the wheel size as well. Objects at the edge of the picture will be distorted. 

On a personal level - I agree with you. Experience 100% beats out and out performance, so I’ll be curious to see what the inevitable face to face comparisons with the Cayman say. That said, the Cayman is lighter, and has a manual, though anyone that says the 4-cyl doesn’t matter is kidding themselves. I hope though,

I think it looks terrible. Like a Lambo had sex with an Infiniti and combined the worst elements of both. Busy with too many curves.

No - I’m just really cheap. I would totally watch this. On DVD, if I had absolutely nothing else to do. Like if I were recovering from a hangover. Perfect.

I had no idea this was happening. I’ll be sure to get it when it comes out on DVD.

Fair point, but it should be reasonably easy to redirect some of that air coming through the front valance toward the oil pan.

Lol - I just told you I CAN’T fit two bags in the 911. Not really. And the 911 is pretty much the only exception as a do-it-all sports car. If you want I’ll amend my statement to say that no serious sportscar on the market is designed to fit golf bags.

This is the right approach.

Uhh. I have a 911. Can promise you that 2 golf bags don’t fit in the back seat without some serious gymnastics and probably a few dents, and even shoving 1 in there isn’t worth the hassle. So - if I’m taking one golf bag, there’s no passenger and it goes in the passenger’s seat. If I’m taking 2 bags, I take the truck.

Again - what real sports car (not a GT car) fits golf bags in the trunk? I’m sure you can get some of them in there if you’re creative, but none that I know are really designed with that in mind. We also absolutely don’t know that the C8 can’t fit them, it’s just conjecture at this point.

Sorry, what sports car is good for weekend trips to golf courses? Certainly not the 911. Boxster? Cayman? Lotus? R8? Lambo? I think you mean GT car.

I wasn’t aware that golf club fitment was a primary roadblock for performance car purchasing? Are there any statistics to back this up? I drive to golf courses and mostly I don’t car pool. My 911 has vestigial back seats and mostly my clubs just go in the passenger seat. One dude at the local course drives a Triumph

I love that you’re indignant about something that has no relevant statistics to support it. Did golf bags become the primary road block against buying sports cars? Who is GM alienating? Do dudes just pack their ride every time they go golfing? Or could they just stick their clubs in the passenger seat? As a frequent

Anyone who’s primary concern is where they’ll stick their golf clubs in their sports car is clearly using it wrong. Those are the people more interested in being seen rather than driving something that’s fun to drive. 

You’re 100% right. I had always heard from HR people that it was the rule of thumb, but doing a little reading it says you should estimate between 20%-40% extra on top of a base salary to employ someone, but that includes benefits all-in.

It costs a company 40%-50% above and beyond your wages to employ you just in payroll taxes and social security. Add other benefits, and you’re probably pretty close to costing $60.

The resemblance to the 4Runner is mostly in the price. Because at $39K I’ll buy a 4Runner all day every day and twice on Sunday. Jesus Christ, $40k for a Rav4?

Eh. Some people just like something stripped down for driving down the backroads and the highways. Maybe it’s not the majority of people, but for everyone lusting over an air-cooled Porsche or a vintage NSX - the Evora S is now in your price range, and they’re fantastic. 

MJ. Wilt. Kobe. Lebron. And it isn’t close.