
This is a strange argument to make.

Touche :)

I think AOC is young and she’s made mistakes. The resolution for the Green New Deal was great, but the outline was a disaster - which is why she took it down. But I think AOC is unapologetically for beliefs that many younger (sub 40) voters have, and I think the Democratic Party deeesssperately needs that.

Yeah. Fair enough.

I want about 200 more of her and AOC in the House. 30 in the Senate.

I honestly thought Apple would never put a dent in Spotify with their garbage Apple music, but here they are, 56 million subscribers later. That said, I’d be hard-pressed to believe Apple is going to offer me a package that is going to make me drop either Amazon Prime or Netflix, but 2 subscriptions is definitely my

Racism has a pretty broad definition, and it’s an entire spectrum of behavior. Pelosi isn’t wearing a white hood or spouting off anti-muslim rhetoric, but she’s definitely fronting an establishment attacking someone in a relatively weak position who happens to be a minority - female - Muslim.

So the actual resolution that went to congress was fairly tame. There was an outline that included some of the stuff that some people got all bent about, but it’s not clear if it was actually written by AOC or people around her. It seems like they posted it at some point, then realized it said some really crazy things

No worries dude. In a few minutes it will be like your silly posts didn’t even exist.

Who’s a fucking idiot? Does that look like a congressional resolution to you? Or some word document someone cooked up - with no title, no authors, nothing. Did you even take civics? Show me your birth certificate.

Thanks for proving my point. The first part with the numbers is actually in the resolution. Here:

Lol. Reading breitbart hot takes doesn’t count as “reading it” homie. I know because Breitbart usually runs at about a fifth grade reading level it’s easier on you but the actual outline is like 10 pages long. If you can show me the part where it says to eliminate airlines and force everyone to buy electric cars then

There is no border security issue. Trite invention though.

It’s not binary dummy. We just created a ton of debt for the hell of it because Republicans wanted some fiscal responsibility gravy. Sweet. I personally think the corporate tax rate was a bit high and needed to be lower, but the lowered rate has done precisely jack shit for the economy.

Absolutely not. But more often than not, it’s used as a straw-man argument to just shut down the conversation and call it unviable.

Cue conservatives catching fire about “regulation” and “how are we going to pay for this!?” because moving forward with new, more sustainable technologies is somehow KILLING EVERYTHING.

That dumb argument goes both ways. Canadians also buy GM products.

Can I just say though, Wade Phillips did a hell of a job.

I’d go ahead and put money on everyone taking a big shit. Cheap money financing is gone, loan terms are longer and longer, real wage growth is flat, and transaction prices keep rising.

I don’t know about today’s cars. But as a car enthusiast, my 3rd Gen 4Runner is going on 180k miles with pretty much only standard maintenance. The only thing I’ve had to do that was a medium pain in the ass, was remove the starter through the goddamn wheel well, and spend 12 dollars and a morning of my time