
Came here to say part of this. Likely the buyer realized they spent more than they wanted and is looking for a way out. 

Net neutrality is the biggest thing happening that not enough people care about. 

Corey Booker is quoting MLK and has big black and white picture as his banner that is evoking that MLK image pretty hard. Honestly he seems about as trustworthy as a Clinton. 

Let’s be serious. Sea shanties in Ancient Greece were probably about bread, wine, and fucking. Alcaeus was a little highbrow for a sailor.

15-20% win margin differential is pretty huge - even if you control for frequency and other things. I don't think this shows parity at all....

The dealership, responsible for the actions of its employees, needs to feel pain for this. The consequences need to be harsh enough that the dealership actually puts in serious effort to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

No one is calling for “sweeping and draconian legislation” but pretty much any recourse for the customer beyond them going out and making videos and posting on Facebook pages and trying to make noise about it and hope it gets picked up seems like a pretty low bar to beat.

Well - that’s not true. Punitive damages are meant to deter. On the one hand, legally, punitive damages should match the damage, on the other, punitive damages are usually assigned when the damage is really hard to quantify.

Here’s the thing. Punitive damages are just that. Punitive. They are meant to hurt like a motherfucker. And although I wouldn’t be the first to call out a full MSRP replacement - if they took the old car in trade - this wouldn’t break anyone.

Gotta say - I like the first blue a bit.

Needs more stars. 

I have a real problem with no AMG GT being on this trailer.

I don’t have any issue with their base iPhone not existing. What I honestly believe is their top of the line iPhone is overpriced. Period.

It could be transmitting audio and video during the period in which they’ve dialed me, and while it’s ringing. It isn’t just transmitting audio/video at all times. The phone has to be actively ringing.

Agreed - but the headline makes it seem like a level of concern that it isn’t. Totally agreed people need to know this, don’t agree that you need to disable FaceTime. Just be aware until it’s fixed.

I still have my 1998 3rd Gen Limited as my daily. Can’t quite bring myself to do a 5th Gen, maybe 6th Gen.

3rd Gen 4Runner is the best 4Runner.

That’s an understatement. I have a 98 4Runner and it feels slow as fuck. And that’s the “fast” one of that particular vintage. Love the truck though.

107k miles isn’t bad. But the Toyota she is talking about and the Toyota trucks and 4Runners up through the late nineties and early oughts hit 107k miles and just start breaking in. In my area I see at least 4-5 late 90s 4Runners per day, and those things regularly have 200k-300k miles and are sometimes 20+ years old

We should differentiate here that the post in general, is talking about corporate tax cuts, which, even Obama wanted to make. I think the difference is that the narrative was that this was going to be the vitamin that the economy needed, and that clearly isn’t the case.