
This is a fair point, but at best you’re talking about hanging on to the money in increments for a semester at best. I’d like to see a calculation of the interest impacts vs. the cost of the payment plan fees (there are fees).

Right. Who. If it’s 1-2% of the population then we would have been better off mailing those people a letter. Likewise - this article is somehow positing this installment idea as an idea to escape student debt, but if you can keep pace with an installment plan while you’re studying, you never had an issue with

Right - I’m not saying it’s not useful to break things into payments on a case by case basis. But to be frank, there isn’t much of cash impact between a payment plan and going ahead and getting loans if you’re paying them off that fast. The interest rate is slightly higher, but we are talking about very small amounts.

You know, that’s fair enough - I think what I’m getting at is that a ton of families are using student loans because that’s their only option. Tuition and fees aren’t really affordable by any stretch for your average family.

Way to entirely miss the point. My question was rather, who can afford it - even when the payments are monthly? When average in-state tuition and fees is nearly 10 grand per year, not including room and board. Out of state or private goes up to 23k and 34k respectively. Last I checked, the average family salary in the

Lol. Not to be unnecessarily harsh, but we may want to revisit its viability as a “Lifehack”. I’m sure there are some interest gains, but if I remember correctly, the “payment plan” available to me in college was “half right now, and half in 2 months” - and when the total is $15k-$30k, the amounts are just as

With a lot less depreciation and easier maintenance. Especially if it’s a backdate with a 3.0 or 3.2 set of guts.

I’m just trying to figure out what makes this worth it over the S. I’m not saying it’s not a great car but I’d feel pretty dumb spending more money for something that probably cost Porsche the same amount of money as a base Carrera.

So - it’s like a little over 100 lbs lighter than a base Carrera? Does that really make that much difference on a car generating 400 HP?

Raphael, didn’t that car just get an entirely new engine like a few years ago?

Sorry - an openly racist orange misogynist with the gravitas of Mickey Mouse, and the IQ of lukewarm toast just won a Presidential election. Clearly, the M.O. now is just voting who mostly represents what we really feel (good job Republicans!). If we’re going on appearances, I’ll take a dude that looks like a

The spouse thing is a must. My wife is extremely patient with my ridiculous bullshit.

540i is a fucking nightmare to maintain.

The current tax bill is fairly bad now as well for working Americans. Especially in blue states where they have state taxes. It’s also not really good either for people in lower income brackets. As someone that is solidly upper middle class in Florida. I’m making out like a bandit. But plenty of people are getting

There are two components to cash flow. In-flow and out-flow. When everyone’s focus is on the cost of things (rising costs being a function of inflation) then no one bothers to put any real pressure on the people paying the wages (except organized labor). In the case of American capital, they keep taking home record

The american worker believes the government is taking their money, the unions are taking their money, and that deep down, they’re all just future rich people.

I’m not really sure what point you’re making - you quote me about slavery being about conquest, and then go off about how slavery was part of conquest and spoils.

Different game, different time. It’s hard to understand whether or not the Warriors would play so fancy free in a more physical environment. If anything, that physical environment would support the Bulls being the superior team.

I’m surprised the head is anything other than wiring.

Another option, just solder the cable from the cheap version onto the expensive hardware if the wall part is still good. I can get on board the more complex circuitry, but wiring doesn’t need to be all that high end.