

They don't have any other ideaZ

Must every zombie game title now has to add the letter "Z"?

I'd like to think I'm internet savvy...I try to stay up to date on the daily happenings of the video game world and other news and while I don't follow but a couple of popular folks on youtube, I've literally never heard of this guy or his channel until this article soooo

Why would you get hate for that? Nobody here hates you, they just think you're weird as fucking shit.

It's as if we've somehow traded our critical thinking skills and sense of personal responsibility for a thin veneer of victimhood and, "I didn't make a bad decision—the system's busted!"

I've purchased one game I've regretted—one. It was through Early Access. It was Castle Story (which remains a broken, awful mess,

I've never seen the problem unless people think steam should hold a higher standard and are personally insulted that they don't. After all you're on the internet buying a digital game. The same internet that lets you look up said game to see if its any good. If you can't bother to do that then its your own damn fault.

Good luck to him, since this is the first ive ever heard of him he cant be that popular.


the only thing that changes over time is that the man onscreen begins to express remorse over some of the women and children he killed

Bioware used to be second to Blizzard when it came to developing polished games. How the mighty have fallen.

I have no issue with cross platform games, but I'm still struggling to understand why they don't create a PC version by default and port that down to console instead of the other way around-they're created on PC initially anyway so it seems the most cost effective choice?

I'm sick of good games being marred by bugs and issues which do not get addressed.

7 Days to Die.

Correction: You have the option of paying to test a game. Most players don't do this, but for the occasional fan who's really looking forward to a game and wants to it asap even in an unfinished, broken state, it's nice to have the option.

Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.

There should be a "got screwed by the Hearthstone RNG weenie" support group.

This is what desperation looks like.

Of course this is where everyone brings out an opinion without ever having played the game or seen any of the scenes in question. It was not mentioned that in the game, 3 years pass before any naughtiness can be done with the two characters in question. All the other characters are teachers, princesses, architects and

So, we should have altered the art from the Japanese original? Drawn bigger boobs? It's an interesting time to be suggesting censorship. (Just saying.)