
Found the hipster.

I don’t know. How old are you?

My roommate in grad school and I once ate three consecutive foot-long hot dogs.

Or, in other words, we each had a yard of hot dogs for dinner.

Party foul: Use of the word “Uncircumcised” in relation to food.

Steam has a library of literally tens of thousands of games. If someone truly only plays the top-10 AAA games (like the 4 listed), there’s no reason to use Steam at all; they all have their own launchers via publisher stores.

If anybody doesn’t know, you can see games that natively support Steam OS in the requirements section of Steam. Games that support more than one OS have a tab for requirements under each supported platform.

I don’t really expect people to be playing these high intensive online games since the deck is only wifi cable (although I think you can also connect an ethernet cord to it for wired gaming)

Edelgard is not a bad guy. Her plan has some shades of fascism to it, but her heart is in the right place.  Other than that, Mom is spot on.

Well that’s disappointing. I was hopeful the switch version would be uncensored given Nintendo has been pretty good about not doing that kinda stuff lately.

Played the fan-patched version of this on wii u and it’s pretty great. I recommend to play that version in part because of what happened with the western version of the gravure dungeon.

The “I don’t care so you shouldn’t” and “people immediately fap whenever they see a slightly revealing outfit” arguments are incredibly silly.

They do look nice. They could be an extra option rather than a replacement.

that is apparently a big fucking market though

So you praise censorship? Weird and fucking stupid flex but whatevs.

Guess it’s emulating time, then.

I feel like the best way to do this would have been to give the players the ability to choose which version of the content they want in an option menu somewhere or with an additional patch. As it is I’ll probably pass on this one again for the same reasons as last time...

Let’s just go ahead and use these graphics for every game now, mmk?

If they really wanted to come out of nowhere with a surprise a Greek mythological 3D Mario platformers, God of war combat and Zelda labyrinths—Kid Icarus game would be amazing.

They’ll probably go back to making playing cards.