
One could say this about any organization or person, sort of hollow statement.

This is such an asshole “not my problem” sentiment.

Yup. They can do it; we can leave.

I said this in another post, this is like saying that, because tobacco is bad, that means to combat it you have to ban all drugs, including Tylenol. Or, to swing it towards video games, if Steam decided to combat the asset flip and troll game problem by banning ALL indie games from the platform, including stuff like

No one is debating whether or not child pornography is bad. The problem is that, in attempting to combat something that isn’t very prevalent, they are effectively censoring everyone.

I don’t think Tumblr survives without AC. By banning it, they’re just putting the barrel in their own mouth.

I’ve been using the web since 1995, and in that time, I can honestly say that I’ve never stumbled upon child pornography.

Or maybe you’re a prude and there’s nothing wrong with adult content? *shrug*

Fanfic: Wanna read my incest, remedial rape, pedo gangbang?

So, because Tumblr can’t be bothered to do adequate moderation of their content everyone has to suffer?

In fact, PornHub should make its own Tumblr. With blackjack. And hookers.

I mean, most of the fanfics on there were erotic anyway...

I find this abject terror of the female (but only the female) nipple in media much more offensive and embarrassing than the material it involves.

Tumblr without porn is like a hamburger without meat.

I only ever used Tumblr for adult content so I guess I’m never going back.

I would spend all my time making custom characters and never actually play the game. I’m kinda of weird like that.

Damn, I was so focused on 3D Custom Order Maid 2 coming out this month, with an actual “holy shit they listened to fans outside of Japan I may not pirate this game out of respect” official English version coming shortly, I didn’t even have this one on my radar.

Regulation of firearm features eventually leads to a competition between Congress and Engineers at the manufacturers.

The second bite too. The frequent conversation is “Just try a bite. I put butter and a little salt on it. I’ll sprinkle a little cheese on it. It’s good. You just have to try one bite....”
Child eats one bite.
Me: “What do you think?”
Child: “It’s good!”
Me: “I’m glad you liked it. Would you like another bite?”

Don’t have any kids but if you make veggies taste good (butter/salt/lemon/cheese... etc) that would be a step in the right direction, lots of recipes online.